Play Ball

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                     Note: This story was a little random but can be good for young kids.

Faith loves nothing more than getting her friends together to play sports. There was always a problem: What sports should they play?

"How about baseball," TwoBits asked
But Sofia had a hard time playing baseball.

"Or we can play volleyball," Faith told them.
They played for a few minutes but Cookie could not get it down.

"Can't we all just read together," Cookie asked.

Mini-golf seemed like the perfect idea. Faith, TwoBits, Sofia, Cookie and Sassey all set up a fun golf course. But when its time to play, they notice they didn't have golf clubs! Or gold balls!

"This isn't working" sighed Faith.

"Back in my school we used to wrestle each other," Sassey offered. She tried to explain the rules to everyone.

"It sounds rough," TwoBits said. "Won't someone get hurt"?

"Maybe," Sassey replied

It wasn't easy to find a game that everyone can play together. Faith thought a little harder.
Then faith had an idea!  There was a game that would work even for the smallest legs. It wasn't too rough or too hard to handle for anyone. "I know!" Faith shouted. "let's play kickball."

"Sounds good," Sassey and Cookie said at the same time.

"let's play," Sofia said jumping up and down. Faith was glad. She liked the idea too.

"let's do it!" Faith said and ran to get the kickball. When she got back, though, her smile faded. Her friends were arguing about who should be on which team. Since there were five of them faith wasn't sure how to divide them up evenly.

"We should play girls against boys," Cookie said. TwoBits scratched his chin. "Or we can be on the same team," he said.

"Teams? Who needs teams?" Sofia said. "Lets all just run around.

Faith needed to think fast. "I can be the referee!" Faith said. After that everyone counted off to an even team. Sofia and Sassey was on one team and Cookie and TwoBits were on the other.

"Playball!" Faith called.

Sure, she wanted to play too, but she was glad that her friends were finally cooperating.
What a game it was! Everyone was good at kickball in their own way.

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