The kitten

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I was driving home from work one day, it was a rainy day so I had to drive slowly on the roads when I noticed a strange sound coming from the side of the ditch on the road I was driving on. It made a very distinct "meow." Sound like it was crying out for help. When I got out of my car to my belief it was a kitten just sitting there looking straight at me. I took the kitten out of the ditch wrapped it in a towel I had in my truck and headed home as soon as possible. "poor guy is probably starving," I said to myself. 

I took him inside while he was all wrapped up in the towel and placed him in a nice warm box with lots of food and water. He instantly ate all the food within seconds. Three days late, I left for a second to go to the kitchen, but when I returned back he wasn't there. I quickly opened the front door to see if he was outside. He had escaped through the open window in the living room.  When I went outside to look for him, he was stuck in a tree at the side of my house.

I had rope in the back of my trunk so I grabbed it tied it to my truck and the tree. My thought was if I tug on the tree and make it lean down then I can grab the kitten. I pulled and pulled. "Maybe a little more," I said to my self. Big mistake. The rope ended up bursting and the little guy went flying the other direction. I went out and kept searching for the kitten for 8 hours, but no luck. He was nowhere to be seen.

Three day later I had to pick up a few things at the store. I ran into one of my best buddy of mines. He was buying cat food. Now this friend hates cats. Ever since he was little. So I asked him "Why are you buying cat food," He told me this story.

He has a daughter that keeps asking him for a cat. Many times he said no. But she kept begging and wont stop. Finally I said to her this, "If god gives you a kitten we can keep it." she was so determined she went outside and got on her knees and started to pray with her hands out. "Oh lord," she shouted. "Please my lord, I wish to have a kitten," and out of the sky a kitten came flying right into her arms. The friend saw the whole thing and didn't have a choice.

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