Meadow and her Demon Friend

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     Once there was no ordinary child. She had a power no else have. No one else that didn't know it even existed. This child name is Meadow. Meadow power  was she could see demons.

     One day a demon has confront her. At her young age she didn't know anything. her and the demon were gaining each other trust. They were becoming close. Soon later bad things started to happen. Unexplained things. The demon began to frighten Meadow. Meadow finally had to say something. But whoever she told, no one would believe her. Ever day bad things happen. Things moving on their own. Her mother floating in mid air. Lots of paranormal things.

     Then the demon has killed Meadow's parents. Meadow tried to run away. But wherever Meadow went, the demon followed her. When she gotten older and was telling the same story over and over again everyone called her crazy. Meadow was taken to a mental institution. Soon it became to much for her. So she commit suicide and the demon vanished. waiting to see who he haunts next.

     This demon can appear anywhere. nighty night, sleepy tight, or your teddy bear will become your worst nightmare.

Written by Faithedenheaven


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