The Dragon

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Note: Rated R. Not suitable for kids.

A set of twins, Phoenix and Treblina, lived in a big city. It was nice and there were a lot of fun things to do around there. Not a day went on without something happening. One day, while feasting at a fine dinner, a crazy man burst through the door and yelled “DRAGON!” Some people stared him down, while others side-eyed him. He began telling the story of how a dragon got out and is destroying city after city.

Later that night, the family had a conversation about the ferocious beast that is headed their way. Phoenix and Treblina had a plan on how to kill the dragon. “We can use some big crates filled with wine, get the dragon drunk, and then we will set an army to kill the dragon,” Phoenix planned out the idea. 

Treblina and their parents thought it was a good idea.  

“Where are you going to find a big army to fight a dragon?” their mother asked. 

“We have to make one and ask around,” Treblina answered. 

The next day the twins were out at town square. “May I have your attention please,” Phoenix shouted. The dragon has not yet visited their city. Everyone seems to be afraid. There seems to be fear lingering at the corners of their mouths; a few even glanced up at the sky periodically. 

Treblina saw everyone still walking by as she began to speak to the people. She told them she knew they were scared. That fear could not save them from the dragon, that only courage can. She told them they must fight the dragon. 

The people started to gather around the preteens as they spoke about the dragon. Not a man, woman, or any soul had spoken when the siblings were done talking. Everybody, even other children, were completely still. 
“If we do nothing,” Phoenix said, breaking the silence, “The dragon will destroy the entire city. We might as well fight it.” 

“Join us!” Treblina called desperately. “Do something that you will be able to tell your children about in the future!” 

A few people cheered.

“We need you all,” Phoenix said, taking some of the enthusiasm. The crowd began to mumble. 

“Are you crazy!” A man shouted. “Have you seen the dragon? It can kill you. You cannot fight it. Are you seriously going to follow children out to a battle to defeat a big dragon?”

Everyone was quiet. The twins' faces were red. Soon everyone started to walk away from them. 

“Wait,” Phoenix shouted. “Would you rather die at home and have done nothing or die out in battle trying to do something?”

The children walked back to their home. Their parents were not going to allow them to fight a dragon by themselves. The mother looked at the two children before her, who remained stone-faced and armed. “Don't go out. I don't think I can stand to lose you.” 

Three days later, Phoenix and Treblina waited at the courtyard for the army to show. No one showed up. As it was getting dark, the twins got their big ox carts full of wine, and drove the truck into the black with dotted stars under the night sky as the moon was creeping out over the horizon.  

After finding a clearing in the woods, leaving the carts of wine, the children retreated to the covering over the trees and waited. It was like over an hour of silence before a great big thunk. Phoenix and Treblina peered out from under the covering of the branches and there it was in the starry sky in front of the moon. The long, thin silhouette of the dragon appeared with its wings resting on the current of the night air. 

Phoenix took a deep breath and nodded at Treblina. Then he stood up and made his way to the sound of death.

As Phoenix moved closer, the dragon darted out from a tree and startled him. “AH,” Phoenix cried out. The dragon turned to Phoenix face to face as their eyes met. Phoenix spun to his left into the woods as the dragon followed him. 

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