Fate Overturn

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There once was a student named Cookie, a 10th grader to be exact. He didn't really have many good friends, but wanted to be part of a group. Previously, he had failed to do so out of mental maturity back in middle school, and seeing highschool as his possible redemption to fulfill that was his goal. It was his final shot, which occured as a transfer student. It was a strange place, far from home and years passed by until 10th grade.

Chemistry class in Mr. Tono, was pleasant to say the least. The class included all by one of the group members. Cookie thought to himself "They are a group, they must have a group chat, right? I'm sure they'll let me in." And so he turned to his partner sitting next to him, TwoBits, who was busy filling out chemistry equations.

"Hey TwoBits, you guys have a group chat, right? You know? With Dynamite, Cross, Nina, Sofia, Nichole, and Faithfully."

"How do you know?" TwoBits responded, confused as to how Cookie had found out.

"I know you have a group chat, please let me join, What platform do you use to communicate?"

"Messenger." Said TwoBits, still trying to analyze the interaction.

"I'll make one." Cookie says, writing his information on a scrap of paper, handing it to TwoBits.

They went back to work with the lesson and the day ended, Cookie, anticipating his membership to the group, waited eagerly. He thought and thought as he left home, finished up his work, and went to sleep, that thought lingering in his mind.

It was a new day, Cookie got up and checked his phone, to see that he was added. He was beyond happy, but that alone wasn't done yet. He wanted to be friends with them all.

"I see you are texting on your phone, do you have a girlfriend?" Cookie's mother implied.

"No, not that at all." Stated Cookie, in a dismissive tone.

His mother's side of the family couldn't keep their mouths shut and starting problems. It was something he had to live with.

"Oh, hi Cookie." Faith said.

"I added him to the group, he wanted to join." TwoBits said.

Nichole noticed the new addition and took Cookie aside.

"Lets talk, I don't want Faith to see." Nichole said.

And so, they began to talk, learning new things about each other and becoming best friends at some point, revealing their secrets. Cookie, being inexperienced with friendships, texted constantly before realizing his mistake and apologizing. He failed to attend her performance and tried making up with gifts but It was too late, the damage was done, the friendship was beyond repair. Nichole honestly confessed how she felt about him. "It honestly would have been better if you had never shown up... You are just an obstacle."

Those words stuck with Cookie as his heart trembled with dark negativity, hurt by those words like a knife had carved a gaping hole in his chest cavity. He tried acting normal, but the damage was too great. Those words, sticking to his mind, every second he was alive, he didn't sleep for 3 days straight, the guilt was overwhelming. Faith was now always on his mind, trying to forget about Nichole, and he cared about Faith more than anything, as a sister. But he became the very thing he sought to destory, problems. He hated himself, everything, even Faith for a while. He used that to work even harder, but even that hatred wasn't powerful enough. Faith tried to bring him into the light with Christianity, which worked for a while, but the shadows of doubt crept back in stronger than ever, pulling him to the other side. He had come to the realization that he was the one initiating most of the interactions, and when he stopped, Faith didn't notice. She wanted her personal boundaries, which Cookie ghosted her for 2 months to respect that request. And so he came forward in one last effort to apologize for his wrongdoing to eliminate Nichole guilt. It worked, but Nichole doesn't trust Cookie, they are acquaintances. As for Faith trusting Cookie completely, He let the light back in, but not completely...

Putting your boundaries is important when meeting new people so they don't cross it and make that mistake. Sticks and stones can break out bones but words can never hurt me. Wrong. Sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can break our hearts and if we're not careful, it can shatter our dreams.

Written by ACatNamedCookie and me

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