Chappie 15: The Grand Escape

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Thank you everyone for the lovely comments and votes! You never cease to amaze me! Xoxo Laura


Nash is knocked out.
On the floor.
Too much anger.
Shit shit shit!

Uughhhh!!! What do I do?! Ohhh he's bleeding everywhere! Where can I hide him?

Grrr! No time to waste Summer! You need to get out of here!

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that I have gone utterly mental. Talking to yourself is a sign of loosing your mind.

No time for insanity. Time to use some quick thinking to escape this pit of torture. I undid my binds within minutes.

I peered through the tents doors. Opposing pack members continued to do their usual business, Trent seemingly having a normal conversation with one.

Time to screw this joint over a thousand times.

I searched the room for anything I could use to escape.

The tent was round, inside a large red carpet lay on the floor. Shelves with books and strange liquids were on the left side of the room, Nash's bed on the right. A television was positioned opposite the bed. His weapons lay next to his shelf.

Come on Summer! You can worm your way out of a foxhole! You can do this!

I further inspected the shelves with bottled liquid to find that the majority contained wolfsbane and other poisonous liquids.

A plan began to creep into my mind. Of I could distract them long enough to run off and get a good lead, I am home free!

I lifted the television into the bed and began to unscrew the back off. Ugh so many cords attached! It was one of those older version televisions with a box on the back.

When I finally got the back off, I saw that inside contained lots of wires of various colours.

If I could create a spark, I could light this place up like a frigging bonfire!

After removing and cutting wires, I managed to find two that when connected created a small spark. Tearing a few pages from shelved books, I used the paper to make a flame.

I somehow lit the page and began to ignite entire books at a time.

Honestly, I lit the first book and had no idea where to throw it. So I lifted the tent wall and threw it onto a neighbouring tent. It was surprising how quickly it caught alight!
I knew I couldn't waste any time and lit 3 more books and threw them anonymously into other tents.

1 book left.
Just starting to catch fire in my hands.
I knew what I had to do.
I just hoped the moon goddess forgave me.

I launched the last book into Nash's tent and bolted out the door, not looking back until I had reached the safety of the woods.

The sprint across the clearing was like a moment of pure adrenaline. Veins in my neck pulsed from the exertion of my tortures. My legs stumbling a few times due to my malnutrition body. I still flew like I always do. With hair flying out the back of my head like a cape.

When I broke through the tree line, I glanced back once, very quickly, to see the disaster unfold. 5 tents were up in flames, including the one with Nash in it. Male pack members attempted to extinguish the blaze but it was to late.

I transformed into my white wolf and began to shoot off like a bullet into the woods. Only relying on scent as my only navigation back to Blake.

Short Chapter I know!
It is so hard to type off a phone.
Does anyone else feel my pain? No... Anyone?

Hope you enjoyed it!

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