Chappie 2: Run, just run

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Ahhhhhh chappie 2! Ermehgersh! Thanks for the amazing comments! Motivated me sah much! Xoxo

Enjoy! And btw check out my friends book the wolf, her name is novadawolf, check it out, it is amazing!

Anyway, lets begin!

The beta carried me into a room and placed me gently down in front of him as if i was so fragile that i would shatter into a million pieces, but in a way that he had a cautious grip on my shoulders.

I kept a stern face, making sure to not show any fear.

Now I could see his face, I noticed he had short blond hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. He was clearly muscular, as you could see the muscle rippling through his plain green t shirt. You would say he was pretty smoking hot.

I met his eyes for a second, before he quickly directed them straight over my head, looking at something.

I was quickly spun around and thats when I saw him, my one and only mate. He had the most captivating green eyes and wet messy black hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through.

My eyes raked over his perfect body loving every inch of his God sculpted body. Muscles tore through his shirt just waiting to be let out, my eyes traveled lower, oh gosh, leg muscles.

But he had a somewhat dangerous smell about him, and a familiar face...

Then it hits. Like a skyscraper made of bricks falling on top of you. He was an alpha! No, no no no no this can't be happening! Of course I wanted a mate! Just not a protective ignorant possessive arrogant stupid alpha! They walk around like they own the place. Well they do... But they could at least show some respect for the rest of the pack.

My eyes traveled back to his face where one word escaped his perfect lips "mine".

That is what set me off, obviously the beta was caught off guard by the sudden exchange of eye raping that he loosened his grip on my shoulders.

I kicked him where the sun don't shine, making him double over and groan in pain.

I bolted for the door, but soon realising that I didn't know the way.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, my eyes frantically searching for an escape. I could hear my mates foot steps nearing me.

Ahhhh think summer think! I soon came to a Y shaped hallway. Quick, left or right. Eenie meeinie minnie moe... Shut up we don't have time for that, ahhh when nothing goes right go left! I speedily dodged left, almost hitting a coffee table with my hip.

I was faster than my mate, I could tell. Heheh now I know an area I can beat him in.

I kept running but never finding the door. No! Don't give up! Keep going, go go go, now! I screamed at myself.

I side stepped around a corner where I collided with a hard masculine chest, I rebounded back and just as I was about to hit the floor, two large hands gripped my forearm, preventing me from smacking into the ground.

He pulled me up so that I was only centimetres away from him.

I didn't even have time to breathe before he brought his face down and smashed his lips onto mine.

His lips moved against mine, I found myself, oddly enough, slightly enjoying it.
No! Stupid summer! Resist, resist, resist, my rational side screamed at me.

I pounded on his chest, causing pain to fly up my whole arm, making me scream in pain and break the kiss, I fell to the floor. Of course I used my wrists to stop the fall, only making them electrocute me with pain again.

I let out another scream, but bit my tongue to try and hide my weakness.

The alpha immediately dropped to his knees in front of me.

"Mate, mate, what's wrong?" He asked, his face painted with worry and distress. His voice was deep and sexy, almost making me want to kiss those desirable lips again.Why is he so perfect! Ahh.

I turned my head away from him, trying to hide the tears that had just started to form in my eyes. Be strong summer, be strong.
He gently grabbed my chin and turned my face so that I was now facing him, our noses only centimetre apart.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his breath so intoxicating that my breathing hitched. I simply nodded, closed my eyes, and turned my head away so that my hair covered my face, preventing me from seeing him and vice versa.

He sighed and picked me up bridal style and carried me up a huge flight of stairs. I closed my eyes, praying that this was some sort of dream, that when I went to sleep in the woods, that's where I stayed, and that this was some crazy, freaky nightmare.

I heard the sound of a door creaking open, and my eyes snapped open. We were in a large room with dark metallic blue wallpaper and black shaggy carpet. Omg, I live shaggy carpet! Towards the right of the room was a dark blue canopy bed with black plush pillows and 2 coffee coloured night stand tables on each side, this was beautiful.

My mouth dropped open in awe. My mate chuckled deeply "I see you like our room".

Wait 'our' room? Oh hewl no!
I snapped my neck quickly so that I could face him, only to meet his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. I was instantly sucked into those delicious orbs.

He must have sensed my worry as his face suddenly went hard.

"We are mates, so you will be sharing a room with me weather you like it or not" he said firmly, using his alpha voice on me. Bitch your not the only one who can go all commando.

"Oh well okay then, I guess I will be sleeping in the bath tub then" I said jumping out of his warm grasp and standing 3 ft in front of him.

He growled with a mixture of playful and menace.

"Oh don't give me that growl, suck it up princess, this isn't daycare anymore" I said throwing my hands up in frustration.

Before you could say 'oh shit the alpha kidnapped me and is holding me against my will' he had me pinned up against the wall, with both my hands above my head, secured by one of his large ones. I had to say it did hurt a little, I mean, I do have a high tolerance for pain. But a werewolf heals differently to a human, you see it takes a human 6 weeks to heal a broken bone, it takes werewolf's about 4 days to completely heal. But my guess is that I didn't break my wrists, I was guessing that I may have just dislocated them. Oh well, I'll just have to pop them back in later.

"I wouldn't say that again sweetheart, my wolf doesn't handle very well with naughty she wolfs" he said closing his eyes and slowing his breathing.

I rolled my eyes. Alphas have no temper control whatsoever. After about a minute of him 'trying to calm himself' his sparkling brown eyes snapped to mine and I took a sharp intake of my breath.

He was just so perfect. Everything about him was so... Well abnormally perfect. There was not 1 physical flaw on him. I could see many emotions flash through his eyes. Desire, slight anger, questionable, and... Love? Oh no, the alpha loves me!

Thanks for reading guys, promise to update soon. Xoxoxo lets say 15 reads, 4 votes 1 comment for next chapter, tankies I lurve ya'll ;)

Vote, comment, share, spam me with love and devotion! Xoxoxo

Laura 🙈🙈🙊

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