Chappie 12: Power

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Anyways without further or do, I present le chappie 12

I looked at him in shock, completely bewildered and numb at his previous words. I blinked a few times, trying to let memories connect and feelings flow into my system once again. "What did you say?" I asked with my face displaying no emotion. Watching his face for any traces of a joke or a lie.

"Let me explain in better detail" he said groaning in pain whenever he moved "a month after I met you in the woods, I trespassed on a powerful packs territory. Instead of killing me straight away, which i would have preferred, the alpha saw something in me he desired, strength and cunningness. He ordered me to battle his third in command for the spot. And as you can see due to me being here today, i won. Immediately got the spot and my own house. He gave me everything.He gave me clean clothes, a bed, a house, everything! For a little while there, I was happy. But then things started to get bad. He ordered me to do his dirty work, killing disobedient pack members, torturing a young girl for his own amusement. He is a sick man that deserves to die. But one day he brought us in for a pack meeting and because I was third in command, made it compulsory for me to come. He projected a picture of you through the pack mind link, telling us that our enemy, Blake, had finally found his mate, his weakness" Blake growled from behind me but I motioned for Nash to go on "He told us that we would attack, but we wouldn't kill anyone unless required. He planned to sneak in and snatch Summer while Blake was doing his pack duties. As soon as I heard, I located your pack and came here as fast as I could. And you can guess what happened from there" he said gesturing to his bloody and bruised face.

I finally understood what the strange man I met at the party meant. "Sooner or later, you will be in the hands of Trent" is what he said. I shudder involuntarily. Feeling as if my feet had suddenly frozen to the spot and my body had turned to brick. "Why would you come here and warn me. When you could have just stayed there and lived in your house, with your clothes and your food?" I ask just above a whisper.

He looks thoughtful for a second before replying with "I was happy, but as I said, killing innocents and torturing young girls isn't exactly something I prefer to do. But when I met you in the woods Sum, I felt a brotherly connection, if you can understand that" he said, a healthy glow slowly igniting his face again. He started to look more alive.

I smiled, really smiled; enjoying the feeling of my lips stretching around my teeth. I turned to Blake, his black eyes staring with hatred at Nash. "Blake, I want him out of that cell and brought upstairs to one of the guest rooms. He is a friend, not a prisoner" I command with strength in my voice. His eyes instantly snap to mine, slightly softening when they connect.

"I can't do that Summer. He could be an intruder, what if he took you while you were asleep and brought you to Trent. This could be a set up to gain our trust" he said returning to glare at Nash.

"He wouldn't do that Blake. I know him much better than you do. So shut down your Alpha shit for one second and listen to me" I demand glaring at him. I can hear Nash's quiet chuckles in the background.

"Summer, the answer is no. I told you that you could come down here on my conditions. And this is it. He is staying down here until I can find further information about him and his position".

I growl "Fine. If he stays down here than so do I" I say stubbornly.

He laughs loudly, my face suddenly becoming a mask of confusion. "You know Summer, I can easily drag you back up stairs. You won't win this fight" he says taking a step towards me.

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