Chappie 17: Fishing

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Thanks a bunch for the votes and comments guys! You amaze me!

This chapter is dedicated to joky04 and lovehim17

Summer’s POV

 I was so weak. So weak I could barely transition between my wolf form and human form. In the end I decided human form was safest because it was my strongest fighting form. However this came with a massive disadvantage with feeding. It was dramatically difficult to hunt in human form. Don’t judge. It’s just, when you can transform into a wolf, hunting is like second nature. So I really never bothered teaching myself how to hunt in human form. 

It’s my fault now, because I was starving, weak, lonely and hurting.

The clothes that I was originally kidnapped in were now tattered and torn so badly it looked as if I was wearing lace. They were so stained with blood and dirt that it actually made it look like cool prints. Even when I tried to wash them in a nearby stream, the stains did not come out.

I wish I had a friend of some sort to come to my aid now. But all the friends I had in my previous pack when I was younger have probably completely forgotten about me. And when you’re a rogue, not many teenage girls want to be friends with you anyway. I guess they were frightened more of my rebellious title rather than me myself.

It kind of pains you though. The thought that because my life is so screwed up I can’t have basic life standards and make at least one female friend. Someone I could gossip with, tell stories to, exchange beauty tips that frankly I wouldn’t be interested in anyway.

It all just seems so fricken perfect.

I shakily stood up and wobbled to the stream, hoping and praying that I would find food in some state or form.

The river was a bluey green, with dark yellow sand at the bottom. Rocks rose from the water as if they were trying to escape. This looks like the perfect habitat for fish, time to get my bear on and start fishing.

I crawled to the water’s edge and peered into the blue. I saw small guppies, about the size of a chap stick, definitely not big enough to eat. There must be something of good proportion I can eat.

I didn’t want to go too far into the water, in fear that I may not have enough energy to swim once my feet can’t touch. In the end I decided that spearing was my best possible option.

It can’t be that hard right? Just like the movies. I’ll find a sharp rock, tie it to a stick with vines or something, and then stab the fish.

Well, making the spear was definitely the hardest part. Finding the rock was so easy. I literally stepped on it, slicing my foot open in the process. But finding a long stick that wouldn’t break posed as a challenge, but in the end I broke one off a tree. Attaching the two together was a little harder, but with a long loose thread from my shirt, I triumphed.

Leaning off the edge of the river, I stabbed the spear into the water at any sign of movement. It was useless. The darn fish kept evading my spear!

“You know, stabbing the water isn’t going to catch you a fish,” a voice across the river said “in fact, it’s probably scaring them away more than anything”.

My head shot to look in the direction of the voice. I smelled the air, male, if I couldn’t already tell from his voice. An unfamiliar scent, someone I don’t know.

“Who’s there?” I demanded the air.

“If I promise to show myself, will you promise to let me help you?” the voice said.

"Show yourself” I ignored his proposal.

A noise to the north-east of me drew my attention. A man leaped from a tree across the river and landed on the ground ten meters from me. Definitely a werewolf. His hair was a dark blond, light brown.  His skin was tanned and his body thin like a long distant runners figure.

“Drew, pleased to meet you” he said almost courteously. What a gentleman. What’s the catch? A one night stand.

I thought it would be far too risky to reveal my identity and real name. So on the spot, I managed to come out with, “Katherine”.

“Found it”, he exclaimed.


“I found your trigger”.

“My trigger?”

“Yeah. Yours is subtle and discreet, a slight twitch of the hand, so small almost nobody would know. It tells me that you’re lying” he said smugly.

“I am not”, I denied.

“There it is again. You didn’t even try to hide it this time!”

“That’s because I am not lying”.

“Lying is bad you know. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that?” He pushed for an answer.

“Fine then! Gosh you are so aggravating! My name is Summer” I huffed.

“Summer eh. Want to take up my fishing offer?” he asked making his way towards me, hand outstretched, expecting me to shake it.

I thought for a second. Can I trust this complete stranger? He’s so small I probably could. But I can’t be hypocritical, because so am I. Maybe that means he fights like me, relying on agility, flexibility and speed to take down his attackers. Can I deal with another possible Nash incident? But I need him! Without him I am going to die out here in these woods and never get to see Blake again.

With that last thought in mind, I grabbed his outstretched hand and looking him dead in the eye, I said, “You have one hour to impress me Drew”.

He chuckled, “I never fail to impress the ladies”.

Ta Da! You’ll have to wait until the next chapter to find out how Drew is connected to Summer. How do you think he is going to be connected?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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