Chappie 8: marked and scared

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Big news guys, chapter 8! Honestly did not at all think I would write this much but I have! And I am going to write more!

But as I said, you guys motivate me, so every time some body comments, it motivates me to write more.

My goal is to reach 1000 reads before Christmas.

Help me get there by voting and sharing! thankyou!

Chappie 8

I was running, but from what? That is the question. I knew I was in danger, my heart was thumping against my chest at a rib breaking rate, my lungs gasping for air.

I tried to shift but I was unable to. It frustrated me, I almost had no chance of escape now, the predator was nearing me. I could feel its hot wet breath on my ankles.

That's when I felt it. Like a freight train slamming into me at full speed. My bones snapped under his weight as I let out a scream of pure agony.

I could now see my attacker, but it wasn't a who, but an it. It was a large red brown male wolf with pure black eyes and claws as sharp as an eagles talons.

"Let me go! Let me go, let me...ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed as he bit into my throat, tearing out my oesophagus.

I sat up in bed, still screaming in terror. It took me only a moment to contain myself again.

'Shhhhh, it was just a dream, just a dream' I lecture myself internally.

I throw the covers off myself and place my feet on the luxurious carpet, then take 5 small steps to get to the window.

It was still dark, but not for much longer. You couldn't see the sun yet, but it's rays were just flickering in the horizon.

Time to leave, except this time, I will be quicker, stealthier, completely unnoticeable to even the sharpest eye.

I will be darkness, yet completely masked by light. I will be the wind, but completely unheard. I will be the water, but I will not bring relief to anyone. I will be the earth, but I will not let anyone tread on me. I will be as dangerous as fire, yet no one will be able to extinguish me.

I darted to the cupboard, searching for a bag, clothes and other luxuries and necessities.

And thankfully, I had everything I need packed and ready in a speedy 5 minutes.

The window will be to loud to crack open this time, but it may be to risky to attempt going out the front door.

Ahh this is so confusing! Come on summer! Get your ass into gear and think!

After an intense internal battle with myself, I decided to take the door. It's almost guaranteed that someone will hear me if I smash the window, and my plan of attack is to go unnoticed.

I grabbed the green camo bag, which was surprisingly coincidentally perfect in my situation, and slipped out of the bedroom.

Now I need to sneak, like a carpet snake on the hunt, camouflage myself into the walls and carpet.

The door creaked slightly when I opened it, I only paused for a second to use my werewolf hearing to see if anyone was awake.

I could detect 3 awake souls, but they all seemed to be downstairs. One of which was Blake, ugh you could detect his pathetic sorrow from here.

I tried to control all the hatred thoughts that circled in my mind like a bird.

So I obviously had to go downstairs to get out, but from what I know about the house, not much, Im guessing that they are in the lounge room.

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