Chapter 3

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Ayao's POV

Today was the Powwow and I am so freaking excited. We were here and dressed. I looked around smiling at everyone who showed up, natives and non natives. Dad had invited Gavin out, since he wants to get to know me, this is a great way to see who I am. He did mention his sister and her boyfriend were coming as well. He tried to say our sister but I only got 2 sisters and we were dancing in the powwow today

"So what was it like growing up here?" Johnny asked. He had came with Paul and was checking to see if I was good after fainting.

"Its a dream. My parents taught me about their tribes and their languages. I learned how to speak Navajo at an early age. My Auntie Diana. Her mother is black native but her father was West African and taught her a lot about the cultures of West Africa and its people so I got the best of all worlds." I explained smiling.

"Wow, and you've never thought of leaving the res to go find out more about the other people?" He asked cautiously, but thankfully didn't call them my family.

"Not really because it was obvious they didn't want me and my family has always shown me love and support in what I do. I'm currently in school for my teaching degree, Majoring in Black studies and Native studies with a minor in history. I want to teach kids the real history not what the thieves wrote."

"So you're smart, gorgeous, determined and a family woman. Your boyfriend must be lucky." He said hinting to want to know the answer. But I didn't get to thanks to River come to get me so we could go perform.

Finishing our dance I met back over with my family, Johnny, Gavin and 2 others.

"You girls looked nizhóní." Daddy told us giving us big hugs.

"He's right although I couldn't take my eyes off of the wind. " Johnny said smirking making me laugh.

"Ayao, this is Yvonne and her boyfriend Kyle." He said rolling his eyes at the end. "Yvonne this is Ayao our older sister."

"Hi, nice to meet you both." I said politely as possible as she kinda just looked at me, before shaking my hand, the dude just staring at me like he's never seen a black person before.

"So what's with the name?" She ask see asked right away making me look at her like she was off then Gavin who you could see was frustrated.

"What kind of white washed name is Yvonne?" I asked back with the biggest smile, as she looked appalled. "My name is very strong and fits my heritage perfectly. What does yours represent?"

"Vonne you promised you'd behave." Gavin hiss whispered.

 "What I'm being honest. Mom and Dad told you they left her at the hospital when she was born because they had chosen not keep her. You chose to believe her over our parents. She's lying on them and you're okay with it Gavin." She huffed out stomping her feet as my parents looked at me then them.

"Look Vina, Vonnie, Vicence, or whatever your name is, I didn't ask for you to find me or meet me, Gavin did all that on his own. I'm happy here with my family. Do I look like I missed any of you?" I asked her seriously.

"Gavin, this isn't fair. Great Grandmother is old and senile. Why are you doing this now, the old hag never liked us anyway!" She stomped out making all of us look at her like she was crazy. "They are both at the end and we could just fight what they have in the will to get our share." She tried to whisper to Gavin, who rolled his eyes.

"Oh my God, you're just like them. You dumbass I called them and confronted them about it when I got to my room that night. Do you even know why they gave her up?! They said she was too dark! So I get why great grams cut us out of her will and left it all to her. When the person who looks just like her was thrown away because she was too dark as a baby."

"But I'm her real grandchild, not this weave wearing Pocahontas!"

"And thats when you get curbstomped." I said starting to remove my regalia as Johnny pulled me back and my family looked at her disgusted. "Keep that nasty ass racism where you come from. Not here. Also her name was Matoaka and she was 10. She was kidnapped and made to out to be a savage, but its people like you think that shits okay. At least I'm connected with my roots, and this MY hair." I spat at her as she looked appalled and stormed off with her boyfriend not far behind.

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