Chapter 5

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"Nice to finally meet you honey." Mama June said smiling in her seat, everyone began taking their seats with me closet to Mama June. 

"You as well ma'am." I said smiling as her and Rose looked at me smiling wide, as Arthur and Amanda tried to avoid Mama and Daddy's glare. 

"You are so beautiful. Just as I always knew you would be." Rose told me smiling as we kind of set in an awkward silence before May spoke up smiling.

"Hi, I'd like to welcome you to our family reunion week, could you tell us about yourself and family?" She said smiling a bit too hard confusing me some.

"Uh well, I was adopted by my amazing parents, who are both Native American, my mother is a seamstress and designer, my father builds houses with my Uncle Martin. I'm currently in school, I'm getting my Masters in Black and Native studies, with a minor in History. I grew up on the reservation about an 30 minutes South of here. " I explained as they looked at my family mainly Ruben for a response. 

"And what about you young man?" Martin said in an almost stern tone which made me look at him like he was crazy. 

"Well, My family and I are from Samoa, we can to America for school. My eldest brother Pano works for Google, I'm in my first year of residency at St. Marks hospital, in town here. Moana is a chef, Sione just got signed to the Denver Broncos, and my younger siblings are in school for sports medicine and law, just like my sisters in law."

"Oh wow a very ambitious family you have here honey. I can see you were raised in a good home, and you children are so well behaved." Rose said smiling at me and my family as we smiled back. 

"So I'ma just break the ice, Amanda, Arthur what y'all and y'all kids got to say?" MJ said smirking as everyone turned to them.

"I'm excited. You're the sister I always wanted and I have a cool brother-in-law and nieces." Corbin said smiling wide as I laughed some as his excitement. 

"She's not your sister, I am." Yvonne huffed as I rolled my eyes.

"And you're not mine Barbie." I told her Gavin smiled.

"I'm happy I went looking for you." Gavin said smiling big as Mama June smiled and Nani patted my hand. 

"And the 2 gave their child away their child?" James said with malice in his tone. 

"I can't believe I'm a grandma and the mother of an unwed daughter." Amanda sneered as everyone looked at her surprised my side looking pissed. 

"Excuse you?! First off she is not your daughter, she is mine. Second that woman, may not be wed, but she is an amazing mother and girlfriend. A loving daughter, and treasure to our family. Those are my granddaughters, they will never be yours." Mama said standing up with fire in her eyes.

"I gave birth to her, she is my daughter! I will say and speak of her how I please." She said back with attitude as I reached across and slapped her. 

"Don't you dare. Just because you gave birth to me, doesn't mean you're my mother. You weren't there when I was sick, or hurt. You damn sure didn't care when you threw me on the side of the road to die! So don't you come here trying to stake some kind of claim over me. I didn't look for you because I didn't have a need to look for you when I have a mother." I told her as she held her cheek surprised I'd slapped her. "And you spineless piece of what's supposed to be a man, supposed to be a father. You're just as weak and pathetic as she is. Neither one of you have the right to breathe let alone speak in mine or my family direction. So you can keep the fake love and content for the kids you kept." I sat back in my seat as they looked at me surprised as Megan started to laugh with Mike, starting a chain of people laughing.

"She told y'all!" Eve laughed while drinking her wine.

"She's perfect." Mama June said smiling at me with proud eyes. 

"So we getting iced out like them or we good to get to know each other fam?" MJ asked as my family laughed. 

"You are agia, Uso." Sione said smiling at them as Amanda and Arthur looked upset. 

"So that's it? We just calling this random girl family? Like we don't know her!" Yvonne said pissed as everyone but her parents and boyfriend looked at her annoyed.

"And you don't know yo edges or a brain, so hush. Like I said you're the sister I've always wanted. Gavin showed me the video of that thing you guys were at earlier, that was awesome!" Corbin said making me choke on my wine not to laugh.

'So we're having a cook out at the place we rented while we're here, you should all come. The rest of the extended family too. Oh my goodness." Rose said excited.

"We'd love to make it, we can show you a bit about our culture." Mama said smiling.

"And ours." Pano said nodding at everyone as we ate our meal.

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