Chapter 6

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"So they seemed pretty chill, I'm not gonna lie it really surprised me." Ruben said as we laid in bed after coming home from the dinner, I had gotten the girls bathed and he told them stories from the island. 

"I know. I actually like them, like I want to get to know these people. It seems like I really was the dirty little secret that came out." I said sighing

"You're not a dirty little secret. You're a treasure and they couldn't be in the presences of such an amazing person and was jealous. They got rid of the diamond for the cubic zirconium they call a daughter. Wait til Mama hears how that woman spoke to you, she is gonna be on the first flight here ready to throw down. I'm surprised you slapped her before Aiyana." He told me making both of us laugh.

"Yeah, Mom don't play about her girls. You should have seen her and daddy the first night Gavin came, and Johnny and Paul brought a passed out me and this random guy back to the house. I swear they were ready to go back to how our ancestors handled threats and ended him right then and there." 

"Nah not Papa Billy. That man has to be one of the gentlest souls I've ever met. He wouldn't hurt a mosquito. I know, I've seen him just shoo away one instead of killing it when it bit him." He said laughing even harder than me. Daddy was a big softie sometimes.

"That bug didn't attack his daughters. I don't know I was scared at first because I was being followed by this random guy, but when he said he was my brother and showed me that picture, I guess it was just too much and I passed out." 

"It's okay baby. Anyone in your position that night would have mostly reacted in the same way. But we need to get some rest, apparently we're meeting a lot more people tomorrow and you're gonna need your energy so you don't kill that Yvonne girl." He said making me huff as he laughed.

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After getting everyone ready for this barbeque or whatever at the house or should I say mansion they rented for their stay. Getting out the Jeep, I help Wiki out, as everyone joined my side  as we stared at the house. 

"Who orders this for an Air BnB?" Sione asked as we just stared. I could hear loud music and talking coming from the back. 

Walking up the stairs to the front door, I ring the doorbell, I could hear someone yell from the other side before Corbin opened the door seeing us smiling hard.

"SIS! HEY! I'm so happy y'all are here. Come in, everyone is here. Wait til you meet Stephan, you're gonna slap him like you did Amanda." He said as we walked in but stopped when he called his mother by her name.

"You call your mama by her name?" River asked him looking at him like he was crazy, like the rest of us. 

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