Chapter 10

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Ayao's POV

As we continued to dance through out the night, I can say this has been an amazing day from the cook out to tonight. 

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom babe." I told Ruben who nodded.

"I'll go with to make sure she's safe." Megan, Eve, and Lauren volunteered. 

Walking out of the VIP we make our way to the bathroom talking. 

"You know, when they found out Gavin found you and you told him what happened, they tried to lie and say you were faking the entire story. Gavin went back to the hospital that your parents told him about and found your doctor. He told Gavin all about how your parents brought in this baby girl that had scratches and things all over her who almost died after being thrown in a bush in just a diaper and blanket. Gavin showed him a picture of you with your parents and he said all the doctor do was cry smiling, saying that he was just happy you were still doing good with your parents." Eve told me as I was fixing my makeup.

"We never had a reason to lie. Like I said I honestly never thought about meeting any of you because I didn't know if it was all of you in on getting rid of me or just them. We just knew I was left in a bush. But I'm happy I met y'all." I said after making sure my hair still looked good.

"Oh my goodness what are you wearing? It's no wonder you have 2 kids and haven't gotten married yet, are they even that mans kids?" Amanda said as her and Yvonne came into the bathroom, glaring at me. 

"Why do you hate my cousin so much?" Megan asked, I'm starting to get the vibe, she grew up on knuck if you buck, when it comes to Amanda and Yvonne. 

"She's not your cousin Megan, she is an outsider and stranger. Did you wonder why she was so dark in the first place? She is an abomination. Just like your slut of a mother." She smirked as I laughed in her face throwing Cruella and her daughter off.

"First the fuck off, back up with that dragon breath. Now I'm a grown woman I can wear what ever the hell I feel like. Second honey my skin shines like gold and diamonds in the sun. My hair falls to my ass NATURALLY, not that clip in shit you 2 wearing. The sister and mother roles in my life aren't accepting applications plus neither of you could pass the interview. Third, my kids are Ruben, don't hate because I kept all my kids. And forth, disrespect my cousin again and trust I know these lands like the back of my hand, I could make you disappear and no one would ever find your bones." I told them with a smirk and wink before leading the laughing girls behind me out. 

We soon left the club to head to IHOP for some food, probably doing 3 more puff circles with drinks. Grabbing a large table the cousins looked confused and excited looking at the menu.

"Why y'all acting like this is your first time eating here?" Moana asked laughing as they looked kinda shy about it. 

"Wait y'all have never eaten at an IHOP?" River asked them surprised.

"Nah, dude what part of old money don't y'all get. We've always lived in LA, went to Berkley and Stanford, moved back to LA and went to the country club." MJ shrugged.

"Well get ready for heaven cause you're about to be there. Order what ever you want it's on me." Oliana said. "I just made partner at my firm." 

"Damn y'all really are an ambitious family. How is everyone successful?" Mike asked after the waiter came getting our orders.

"When you don't have the cash to always fall back on it pushes you to be better. Money doesn't buy happiness, meeting those life long goals does. We came here when I was 15 years old, I had to work my ass off because we didn't have much. I got a scholarship to MIT and then got hired at Google, I'm the CTO of Google now. My wife is in her last year of law after taking time off to raise our son. We never gave up, we have money now but our happiness came from each other and helping each other grow." Pano said smiling over at Osun who was blushing. 

"Honestly I'm tired of LA, too much plastic and fake shit." Eve let out a breath smiling. 

"I think we can have a lot of fun here, we can discover the happiness that Ayao has obviously found. I mean sis got 2 men and they all happy." Corbin said making us laugh. "But I can make real friends instead of the Brads and Troys from Hollywood High."

"You went to a school called Hollywood High?" I asked him before grabbing a cheese stick from the basket. 

"Oh yeah y'all need to leave." 

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