Way Too Soon - Chapter 3

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Emma stood there in awe.

{Emma's POV}

Woah. Just woah.

Did he just say that? He sure isn't afraid to reveal his feelings.

That was way too rushed. He must really like me.

I started to blush & I tried to hide it, but it was tough. I giggled a little bit, too. But again, that was way too soon.

{Narrator's POV}

Emma finally made it to Elsa. She tapped her on the shoulder & Elsa turned around & greeted Emma with a smile.

"How was today? Did you have a nice birthday even though you were at school for most of it?" Elsa said.

Emma was still blushing, but not as much & replied with a nod.

She then whispered in her ear, "I will tell you on the bus."

With that said, Elsa said goodbye to her 2 good friends, Aurora & Mulan, because she was eager to hear what Emma had to say.


When they reached the bus, they plopped down on the seat & Elsa immediately asked, "So, what is so secretive that you had to tell me in private? Or at least away from my friends."

Emma sighed & started to blush again, but replied, "Okay, so there is this guy in my grade who's really popular an-"

Elsa's eyes & smile got wide & she quickly exclaimed, "This is about a boy!?"

Emma smiled, which meant a yes & continued, "Anyways, he came up to me & said, & I quote, 'You look stunning, Swan.' & I had never talked to him before. I thought he was just being nice since it was my birthday, but what confused me was that, if that was why he complimented me, how did he know it was my birthday? I was also shocked that he knew my name."

Emma paused & sighed with a slight smile. Elsa was very interested in her story by now & told her to keep going, so she did.

"Then, just a couple minutes ago, whenever I was on my way over to you, he stopped me again & he told me he couldn't stop thinking about me all day & that he didn't know what to say the next time we would speak. He then, put me in shock when he said this, and I quote, again, 'When I win your heart Emma, & I will win it, it won't be because of any trickery, it will be because you want me.' & then he just walked off."

Emma turned to look at Elsa & her jaw was dropped & her eyes & smile widened more than before.

Emma began to blush more & more with an even bigger smile to go along with it.

{Elsa's POV}

I was in so much awe.

My little sister, who actually wasn't that little anymore at all, might actually have her first boyfriend! I haven't even had my own boyfriend yet!

I exclaimed, "He really knows how to sweep a girl off her feet with just one sentence doesn't he?"

Emma's face became as red as & apple & she began to giggle a bit. I kinda was pushing her a bit, but I was just so eager to know more.

"So, do you like him at all?" I said nudging her.

Emma answered quickly, "I don't know. I mean he does seem sweet. And those eyes of his just, ahh. Oh, and he also has those cute little elf ears. Oh my god, ans his accent, his seductive Irish accent, it jus-"

She suddenly stopped, glanced up at me with a guilty looking smile, then mumbled, "I guess I maybe do. Maybe."

The bus had just picked up Anna, but she just continued to talk to her friend she had walked in with. Emma & I both sat there in silence the rest of the way.


{Narrator's POV}

When they got home, Ingrid already had cake & two presents for Emma on the kitchen table.

The three of them walked in with smiles on their faces. Elsa & Anna were excited for the cake, but Emma was especially excited for the presents.

They all sang happy birthday to her & she blew out the candles.

Every year she took the 'make a wish & don't tell or it won't come true' superstition to reality. And every year it somehow came true.

But she would usually just wish for a new book or some clothes for Christmas. But this year, she wanted to make it different.

This time she wished for something that she has always wanted, but never received because she has always told herself that there are more important things in life than it.

But now that she is older, she realized that that is what life is about, this wish is what everyone should want in life whenever they become older.

Or even starting at her age she should want this, but not just any thing. She wanted this thing to be special.

Even though she's very young, she could still maybe get it. She just hopes that this year won't be the ending of the wishes that come true because she just dreaded not having this all of the sudden.

And she did the rest of the night.

She couldn't even sleep that night because she was just so curious about 'what if it comes true?'

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