Mrs. Blanchard - Chapter 11

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{Emma's POV}

I awoke to a banging on our door. My eyes shot open wide & I looked to Killian, shock was in his eyes. I stood up, my hair was a mess but I didn't care.

{Killian's POV}

She came up to me, worry & fright in her eyes. I wanted to comfort her, so i slowly hugged her & whispered, "Everything's gonna be okay, lov-"

More beating.

She looked so scared. I didn't like to see her this way. Even though we were both in a shocking situation, she still shined through it. Her messy hair was a beautiful type of mess. I smiled at her but she couldn't see, her head in her hands after she released from my hold.

"Swan, I'm going to go open the door. It's going to be alright."

With every step I took my heart continued to skip beats. Who would come banging at our door at 7:00 am? We're new here, no one knows us...

Except Gold.

I opened the door cautiously. I was right.

"Good morning, Mr. Gold. May I ask what you're doing her at such an early hour?"

"It may be your first day here in Storybrooke, but that doesn't mean you won't be starting school later. The bus comes in one hour and fifteen minutes. Be there!"

Then he leaves. Just like that.

{Emma's POV}

My head was buried in my hands. I was so tired and that beating on the door scared me so bad. It made me mad.

I knew Killian had opened the door but I was zoned out & didn't have a clue about who it was or what they said.

He sighed loudly. I glanced up and he was walking back to his bed.

"Well, who was it?

"Ah, yes, that. It was Mr. Gold. He was informing us that the bus is coming to pick us up in one hour and fifteen minutes."

"Bus? For what? Is he... Is he sending us away?" I choked on those words.

"Yeah. To school."

Ugh. New school, new friends. Wait, friends? I don't make friends. Why was I so worried?

I sighed heavily. "But, we don't know anybody there! I've never been to a new school before. It's during the middle of the year. It.. It's going to be weird and different an-"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and felt someone sit next to me.

"Hey, you know me don't you? I promise you, everything will be fine. I won't let anyone happen to you."

I smiled at him; he smiled back. He looks so much happier now. Happier than when I first encountered him. Now that I think about it, it seems like our friendship happened quite quickly. But I don't care now. I just want to be with him wherever I go.

I place my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. I smile wide to myself. Here, I feel happier. This moment. Right now, I feel like I'm home.


We were walking out of our hotel door when we noticed two backpacks on the floor.

"I guess these are ours.." Killian said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I guess so."

We hurried and made it just in time for the bus. We sat down and looked at all the students. The younger kids wore uniforms but the older ones, around my age, wore whatever they wanted. I liked the individuality. Everyone at my sc- old school tried to dress like each other. Here, they all look like theirselves.

Killian and I chatted the entire way there. We shared some laughs and some blushes. I seemed to notice that we were very flirtatious with each other. I liked that, and it wasn't like we even had to try. It was just natural.

Could this be the person that my birthday wish was about?


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

We were late to class. We were late to our first class on our first day. We both just sighed, for like the fifth time today, and kept trudging forward, eagerly searching for room 804.

Unlike my old school, we only have one teacher. Our homeroom teacher.

When we finally found the room, we knocked twice, then walked in very slowly, trying not to cause a scene, but miserably failed.

"Hi! You two must be the new students. Killian is it? And you... hmm... I forgot your name. What is it again?" She placed a hand on my shoulder but I didn't see her do so.

I was in a daze. I didn't hear a single word she exclaimed. All I saw was scenes going through my head. They seemed like they could be flashbacks. Flashbacks of me. And my new teacher.

The teachers hand released its hold. At that exact moment, the... whatever they were, stopped.

I was confused. Killian said with a sweet smile, "Her name is Emma. Emma Swan."

"Thank you, Mr. Jones. Now please, pick an empty seat."

We paced ourselves to two seats that were right beside each other, thankfully.

He glanced at me and asked, "Love, are you alright? You seemed like you were dizzy?"

I leaned closer to him and whispered, "When the teacher touched my shoulder, I immediately had these scenes pop up in my head. With me and her. They seemed to be flashbacks but I've never seen this woman in my life."

"What were the flashbacks, or whatever they were, like?"

"I could see myself. I was just born. And the person holding me was the teacher."

Her name was on the board.

It read, "Mary Margaret Blanchard."

"Oh, and Killian, I don't know about you but that name seems awfully famil-."

All of the sudden, it was like a lightbulb going off in my head.

I whispered, "Killian! In Ruby's fairytale, she met a woman. Her name was Mary. Mary Margaret."

We both fell silent in awe.

"Bloody hell. What have we gotten ourselves into?"

I said, "I don't know. But whatever is going on, won't be a mystery for long. We're going to figure out what's happening in this quiet, little town of Storybrooke."


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