Mr. Gold - Chapter 7

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{Emma's POV}

Elsa, Killian, & I anxiously awaited Mr. Gold's arrival outside our old school.

A tear appeared on my face because I couldn't bear to leave Ruby, Belle, & Regina.

I guess I have to now.

I glanced at Elsa & noticed she had a tear or two sparkling on her face. I'm guessing she had an emotional goodbye with her friends, as did I.

Killian saw me silently crying & tried to comfort me, but didn't know what to do.

I laid my head on his shoulder & I felt safe. I saw him smile as I did so.

I think he was happy because I was allowing him to comfort me in such a hard, emotional, family tragedy. I smiled, too.

We were silently sitting on a bench, but the arrival of something, or someone, broke the silence.

Mr. Gold.

We didn't know what he looked like so we didn't start walking towards the car, for obvious reasons.

Suddenly, the stranger rolled down the window, glanced around, & yelled, "Elsa?"

Elsa looked at him, then back at us with an 'I guess it's time' look.

We slowly rose from our bench & calmly made our way towards the car.

I was so anxious to meet this Mr. Gold. He seemed so suspicious that it made me even more curious.

It seemed like forever, but we finally made it to our ride. I stared into Killian's eyes & I think he could notice the worry & guilt I felt.

He put his hands on my shoulder, still staring with those ocean blue eyes into mine, & whispered, "Swan, it's okay. Maybe a new beginning is what you need. Everything happens for a reason."

I slightly smiled & mouthed, "Okay."

As we plopped ourselves onto the seats, I studied Mr. Gold's features.

He is an older guy with dark brown, gray hair. He's wearing a suit & tie & has a cane in the passenger seat. He looks nice on the outside, but something tells me there's something maybe just a little abnormal about this Mr. Gold.

He didn't say much on our car ride to Anna's school except asking us our names, our ages, & our hobbies.

That just makes him even more suspicious.

If he was a family member, how did he not know our names? We may have never met, but the news of our births should've spreaded throughout our family that we were never told we had.

"Boy, what's your name again?"

Killian replied quietly, "Killian, sir."

And at that moment, he slammed the breaks in Anna's school parking lot & glared at him.

"Get out."


I looked at Killian & he was very frightened from how firm his voice was.

I immediately exclaimed, "Why?"

He glared at me & said, "Does there have to be a reason? I am now your parental guardian & he cannot come with us! Now I don't want to say this again, but I guess you leave me no choice. Get out of my car, dearie."

I glanced at Killian & noticed he was hanging his head low & went to open the car door when I could not contain my anger anymore & yelled at Mr. Gold.

"No! Killian will be staying with us whether you like it or not! This was his chance to start over & be happy & you're not about to ruin it for him. Either he stays, or Killian & I go. Elsa & Anna can also come if they want. I mean, I don't blame them."

Mr. Gold stared at me with pure shock.

I kept staring him down to show I was definitely not going to stay if Killian could not go.

I looked at Killian & he was staring at me too. His smile lighted up the entire, well, i would say room but in this case it's this rude family member's car.

After 1 minute of anger & intimidation rapidly filling the air, Mr. Gold replied, "Fine. He can come to Storybrooke."

I smiled at Killian, put my hand on his shoulder, & whispered to him, "See? I promise you, everything will turn out okay." He smiled back.

We patiently waited for Anna to get out of school. It would be about an hour since the buses had to return from dropping off the kids from our sch- I mean our old school.

I became more & more curious as each second passed & couldn't help myself when I asked, "What's your first name?"

I had to know something about him that he hadn't told us yet.

"Well Miss Swan, I'm not going to tell you that. It's too, weird."


I may seem nosey but I can't see someone else being in my situation & not thinking the same thing.

"No, tell me."

He turned & smirked at me. I stared at him to show him I was serious.

"You're a very, um, unique girl. Very brave to attempt to stand up to, well me."

He smirked, again, then continued, "If you're so curious to ask, then I guess I will sort of tell you. If you really want to call me by my first name, call me Rumple.."


As in, Rumplestiltskin?!

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