The Truth - Chapter 18

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{Killian's POV}

"Emma, are you in there?" I hear muffled sobs coming from the bathroom.

"Swan? You alright?" I sounded frantic, which probably made her more worried.

"Calm down, you'll just make things worse for the both of you." I thought.

I knocked on the door and calmly asked, "Love, you wanna come out and talk about it? Swan, I-"

Click! The door was unlocked. I let out a sigh of relief. "She trusts me." I replayed those words in my head.

I carefully turned the knob and slowly opened the door. I saw her pull down her shirt sleeves quickly as she sat on the cold, tile floor.

"Hey, Emma. Everything's okay." She buried her face in her hands. I knelt down beside her and hugged her tight.

I could feel my own heart being crushed, but what kind of person would I be if I didn't try and comfort her?

"Here, take my hand and come lay down beside me."

She looked up to me with hopeful and caring eyes and my heart shattered. Seeing her so heartbroken made a tear fall upon my face.

She intertwined my fingers with hers as she stood up from the ground. She had her head on my shoulder as we walked to her bed and we got underneath the blankets.

As we laid down, a put my arm around her and asked, "Emma, what's wrong?"

I heard her sniffle and sigh hesitantly. I closed my eyes and there went another tear.

"I- I just don't- don't understand why- why it turned out this- this way." She confessed with sniffles between some words.

"Why what turned out what way?" I asked caringly.

"Well, my adoptive m- mom abandoned m- me. My bir- birth parents do- don't remember me, as- as their daughter at le- least. The pers- person I have fee- feelings for doesn't feel th- the same w- way."

She was crying so hard, it was causing her breathing to be short and quick, which caused her to stutter.

Wait, did she just say she had feelings for someone?

{Emma's POV}

Did I just say that? No! Now, I'll have to tell him how I feel about him. He doesn't feel the same way, he'll push me away and leave me, just like my mother did.

"Um, did you say you had feelings for someone, love?" He said cautiously; I could tell he didn't want to invade my privacy, but curiosity gets the best of all of us, so I didn't mind.

"Um... yeah." I paused as a wide smile spread across my apple red, tear covered face. "He, um... has gorgeous hair, oh, and those eyes you could just get lost in everytime you look at them. He has those lips that you could just find yourself kissing, anytime, and it wouldn't be wrong. His smile is brighter than any star I've ever seen; it lights up my world everytime I see it. When he blushes, he just looks too adorable for the world. He is that one person that you could live with and you would never get tired of their funny, cute, loving, personiality. He's one of the reasons I didn't-"

I paused. Should I really tell him?

"He's one of the reason's I didn't cut myself deeper."

{Killian's POV}

When she was describing the lucky holder of her heart, she was describing exactly how I felt about her.

Then, the last sentence settled in.


"I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked; she was starting to cry even harder than she already was.

I squeezed her tightly, but not too tight to even slightly hurt her.

"May I?" I asked in a whisper. She nodded while sniffling and taking short, quick breaths.

She pulled her arm out from under the blankets and I carefully pulled up her sleeve.

Once I saw, I closed my eyes tightly and all the tears just flowed down my face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She mumbled.

I tried to stay calm and put the sleeve back over her arm and placed it back under the covers.

"It's oka-"

"No it's not! If I lost you, I would-" She paused and just shook her head.

"If I lost you," I repeated in my head.

Was I the one she was just talking about?

"Killian, I'm just going to say it." She paused and looked up to me for reassurance. I nodded and slightly smiled, hoping she was going to say what I thought she was going to say.

"Killian, you're the lucky owner of my heart. You're the reason I'm still here. I honestly don't know what I would do without... you."

Pure shock was on my face. I became speechless. Was I suppossed to kiss her? Was I suppossed to say something? I didn't know what to do; I've never felt this way before, so I just laid there in shock.

"I- I," I began to say, but she interrupted.

"Y- You don't f- feel the same way? I- I probably sound c- crazy saying this n- now, but I... I actually thought you were... my happy ending; my true love." She started crying so hard it made me cry even harder.

We were both clearly emotional wrecks.

"Emma, I-" I exclaimed, but was stopped by her again. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her; my mouth opened, but no words came out.

"I actually thought that when you gave me that bracelet that it meant something. That when our foreheads touched and we held hands; I- I thought it really meant something. Guess not." She attempted to sound strong, but I could see through her; she was heartbroken.

"But, Swan, I-"

"Don't try to apologize! Great, I've been let down by two people and it hasn't even been an hour since we began looking for my dad! Oh yeah, and to top it all off, the curse still didn't break and they're true love! How is it possible you might ask? I don't know, maybe you should figure that out, but not with me. You're on your own." She was clearly depressed, but expressed it now with anger.

She paced back in forth with clenched fists. She stopped, ran her fingers through her hair, held up her hands and said, "I'm going to bed."

She climbed into her bed without saying another word and faced away from me.

I climbed into my bed not facing her; it would be too painful.

A tear fell down my cheek as I whispered, "Goodnight, my love."


Wow. Okay, so first of all I'm so sorry for, once again, another depressing chapter. Also, the second plot twist has not come up yet. I will let you know when it does come. Also, I would like to put a s/o to my two AMAZING wattpad/instagram friends and their AWESOME books. One is katielaree0726 and her book titled, "A Life with no Captain Swan" and presstheemmabutton and her book titled, "Hope". Their books are amazing and they are amazing. And katielaree0726 is always giving me s/o's and commenting how much she loves my book, so I had to show my appreciation! Also, I'm almost to 3k reads! I CANNOT believe how much support you all give me for this book. I love writing fanfics, especially when I know others are enjoying them and are begging for more! I love you all SO much!!! Anyways, please vote and leave a comment! You all probably know by now I love to hear your thoughts and theories!

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