Chapter 4

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"My throat hurts after that." America complains.

"You're the one that decided to scream your questions to them." China mutters.

They're searching the rooms of the hall they're in like the other two countries above them.

"Are you sure the building won't collapse?" America questions China again.

The American country kept on asking this question over and over only to receive the same answer each time and it was beginning to really annoy China.

"Look," China began. "I am not sure. I'm not some genius—"


"Don't interrupt me," China says angrily before continuing. "I can't tell if the building will collapse or not and I'd like to think not. If you continue to ask me that question, however, I will purposefully make sure this building will fall down. So please, shut up."

America wanted to be smart and talk back but goes against it, just remaining silent.

Truthfully, he's terrified that the building will collapse.

So scared he'd actually like UK to be with him right now. He might not be his biological father and they might of had some... hard times, but he's starting to accept UK as a parental figure in his life. They do get on surprisingly well, and he wants that comfort right now.

But he also feels he is unable to want it. He is the strongest, he should be the bravest; he can't be weak, he can't be scared. This is the mindset he gets stuck in.

The two countries continue to search but are left frozen when a shaking vibration is sent throughout the building.

America begins to take deep breaths whilst China looks around in an attempt of understanding the cause behind the shaking.

"Well it appears the building is in fact: unstable." China says.

"Y-yeah." America responds and curses himself in his head for stuttering.

China, however, decides not to pick on the country for the stutter, only for the reason that he'll know it'll backfire—him guessing the Americans response would be to make fun of his accent. It would only really be done to add balance to an argument on both sides, but it still angered China to a high extent and he didn't really need that right now.

China decided to go into one of the rooms in the hall to look out a window.

As he looks down he sees the main entrance to the building with there also being the other countries standing there.

"What are they doing?" He mutters to himself.

He's then pushed out of the way of the window as America goes to look out as well.

"Hey!" China shouts.

"I have an injured leg."

"How does that give reason to anything?"

"A squared, plus B squared, equals C squared."


"Pythagorean Theorem, dumbass."



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