Chapter 8

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When I wake, I am aware of someone stroking my hair. I am just about to jump when I remember that Lockwood had stayed, so I refrain from moving.

"Morning, Anthony."

"Morning, Lucy."

He hugs me tighter, and I can practically hear his smile.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks.

"Yes. What about you?"

"Yes, I did."

"What time is it?"

"7:00 AM."

"Is George up yet?"

"No, I don't think so."



"I don't want him barging in here."

"In that case, we should probably get up."

"All right."

Reluctantly ,I get up.Lockwood stands,and smiles at me.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed."

He walks out onto the landing,and starts down the stairs. I shut the door,and search for clothes. I then head into the bathroom to take a shower.

As I am putting my socks on, I hear George calling.


I quickly slip my shoes on and leave for the kitchen. On my way, I meet Lockwood outside his room. As we walk into the kitchen, I see George holding three steaming plates of food.

"By the way, George, you sound like a warison."

"Am I really that loud?"

"Yes." Lockwood and I relpy simultaneously.

"Oh.Well, breakfast." he whispers.

We all sit down and start eating.A few minutes later, the phone rings, and Lockwood stands up.

"I'll answer it," he says.

George and I continue eating, listening closely, since we could hear the conversation from the kitchen.


"No..... Yes, that is a possibility."

"Mmm.... We'll be over around five."

He hangs up, and we question him the moment he arrives in the kitchen.

"Who was that?"

"A woman asking if we could come check out her house. She reported seeing dark shapes moving about."

"And you said we were coming?" George asks, polishing his glasses using the hem of his shirt.


"So close to Christmas?" I ask. "Odd."

"I know."


"Maybe so we don't get the rightful vacation we deserve?"George says.

"Maybe,"Lockwood says."Anyway,we need the money."

"Okay,do you want me to go to the library?"George asks.

"Yes. Lucy and I will get the bags ready."

"What is the address?"

"5432 Penbrook Lane."

George coughs suddenly,as though he is choking.


I look at George curiously.

"Something wrong, George?" I ask.

"Yeah. The address you gave me?"


"It is the same address for the case we are working on right now."

Hello!! I hope you liked the chapter!
Anyway, I think I might have found proof that Lockwood likes Lucy.This is a bit from The Screaming Staircase.
"Oh.....Lucy." He blinked, coughed,tried to sit up."Lucy.For a moment I thought you were....It doesn't matter.How are you, Lucy?You're okay?"
What do you think?Please comment!

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