Nightmares to get to me

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"That one is our bus I think." Joe said taking his and Brenda's bags. I followed behind him holding Curtis's and Laya's bags.

After about five minutes we all found our seats. I sat next to Laya. Curtis sat in front of us. And behind us sat Joe and Brenda of course. Like seriously who wouldn't have guessed that.

"So what's the plan?" Laya asked me in a whisper.

"Well I just figured we'd go and ask him questions." I stated.

"You can't just go in there. We need to be family or something to get in." She said in a duh tone.

"Well I think you should say that you're his daughter." I decided.

"What that doesn't even make since. If you haven't noticed." She looked down at herself. And pointed put her skin.

"Okay first off your mom could be black since he's white." I explained.

"I'm not doing it." She flat out stated.

"Not doing what?" Joe asked putting his head between the seats.

"Not pretending to be his daughter so we can get in." Laya said in a hard tone. She's so stubborn. But then again if it were me in that situation I'd probably tell someone who came up with that idea to shove it where the sun don't shine.

"I wouldn't do it either." Curtis said turning around so that he was facing us.

"I'll do it." I heard Brenda say.

"Are you sure?" I could hear Joe ask her even though he was trying to whisper failing miserably.

"Yeah I'm sure. I just want to put an end to all of this." She said in a tired tone. Well it was more like pleading. I could tell she was tired we all are. Not tired as in sleepy but as in emotionally. I don't know about them but I can't take it anymore I'm slowly loosing my mind. At this point I'd do anything to make this end. I can't contact my family because their is no guarantee that they'll be safe. I can't live a normal life anymore but that's all I want to do.

"Just remember the closer we get to him. The closer we get to putting an end to all of this." Joe gave everyone a reassuring look. Though it was weak. The truth is that none if us knows if it will be over...ever.

After talking for a little longer and our plan getting a little more thought out. I dozed off.

The next thing I remembered was waking up on the beach.

I could see Karen in a distance. She had Laya, Joe, Brenda and Curtis at gun point. I tried to run.. I wanted to save them. But the more I ran the further they got. It was like I wasn't moving at all. I tried to yell. I tried to scream. I couldn't do anything it was like no one could hear me.

That is until Karen turned to me and smiled while she pulled the trigger. I watched as Laya fell down onto her side. She went down the line shooting Brenda next then Curtis.

I looked on helplessly as she walked over to Joe. Who I thought couldn't see me but he did. He turned to me with red eyes and a single tear fell from his eye and slid down his cheek slowly. I closed me eyes as tight as possible and waited for a gunshot to ring out. But it didn't.

I opened my eyes at the wrong time. Karen had just pulled the trigger and Joes body slumped down.

"No!! I screamed nothing came out.

I woke up in sweats. I was shaking and I was struggling hard to catch my breathe. It was a dream. I thought. I was both relieved and still a little freaked out.

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