Twenty Nine - Where's Ted?

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In the blink of an eye, the weekend has come and gone. The pair didn't see each other after Friday night, but they texted back and forth like crazy. Neither one missing a thing from the other's life.

Krystal did as promised, spent a lot of time with her family. She visited Oma on Sunday with her father like she was starting to do again.

Despite the years of Krystal's  absence, they fell into a routine. A new one, just the three of them. They had lunch and talks about everything. Just before they left, every time Oma would tell Krystal how glad she is to have Krystal back and that she can't wait to see her again next weekend.

Blake, had the monotonous task of going house hunting with his family. Hannah was looking to buy a condo and would rent out the second bedroom to Gabriel. Surprisingly, the sisters got along well and didn't have issues living together. The issues usually came into effect when Blake was involved, Hannah was much softer with him than Gabriel. The girls wanted Krystal to come along but Blake refused to put her through that torcher.

"How was the house hunting?" Blake groaned.
"Awful, they didn't like a single place. They kept complaining the closets were too small." Krystal chuckled, she understood his frustration
"Nancy was like that too, never enough room for her wardrobe. I think it's a girl thing."
"Do you have that issue?"
"No, I'm a moon girl, not the same core values." Blake was amused by her joke.

I'm glad she can joke about herself. It's nice seeing embrace her scar.

"I'll keep that in mind." She bumped his shoulder playfully.
"Whatever." A lull of silence pulled between the two of them.
"I noticed Ted doesn't hang around much anymore." She stated.
"Yeah, he's an asshole," Blake said casually.
"What happened?"
"He was an asshole." Blake avoided meeting her eyes.
"What makes him an asshole?"
"He just wasn't nice, Krystal." She studied his profile.
"He was making fun of me, wasn't he?"
"Yes, but-"
"Blake." She stopped him. He snapped his mouth shut. "People will always make fun of me. I know this, it doesn't bother me anymore. You don't need to protect me." She held her bag straps in her hands, pulling them tight to her.
"Krystal, it's a scar. It's not anything more than a memory for your skin. There is no justification for people being mean about it. Everyone has them. I have mine from mosquito bites and when my sister cut my leg with her bike. You're beautiful regardless. People need to look past that. There is nothing wrong with you."

His words his me like a ton of bricks. Someone being so confident in me. Willing to break long friendships over, over someone as simple as myself.

"You shouldn't have ended a friendship over me. That's stupid." Krystal countered.
"What if I'm saying your friendship is of more value than his was?" Blake gazed at her.

Does he know all the right things to say? The things I want to hear, need to hear. Blake found me more valuable than Ted. In my selfish way, I was glad. I found Blake to be of great value myself too.

"Well." Was all Krystal could say. Blake smiled because he knew she was speechless.

Ted and I had been friends for years, yes. I think our friendship changed somewhere between the beginning and now. We became two different people. We stopped caring about each other less and less. It became more about image and pack instincts instead of true caring. That's where Krystal came in. It took time, but she cares. I care for her too. I don't wish Ted ill will,  but our friendship has run its course.

"Thank you." Krystal finally said to Blake.
"For what?"
"For finding value in me." He smiled down at her.
"I didn't have to find it, it was already there. I  just acknowledged it."

I think Prince Charming goes to my school, alias being Blake Hardy.

🌙  🌙  🌙  🌙  🌙  🌙

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