Four - Her First Words

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After class let out for the day and Krystal was long gone, Blake was making his way to his car.
"Hey, what you up to tonight?" Ted threw this arm around his friend. Blake had been avoiding this question all week.

I want to do nothing. I want to sit at home and be with my family or explore this little town. I don't want to party or make out with random girls from the next town over.

"It's Gabriel's birthday." Blake lied. He knew Ted never remember when his sisters or parents birthdays were. He sometimes used those as excused to get out of things. It's not like Ted ever asked come Monday.
"Boring! But whatever." Ted shrugged.
Blake's shoulders tensed.

Ted and I used to be so close when we were youngest. The older we get the more he becomes a stranger. Sometimes I think he doesn't even care about me anymore....

A lot of the time Blake would visit his dad at the precinct. It most mostly just the past the time, but he also enjoyed his alone time with his father. He told most his secrets while in his office.

Blake sat in his fathers office bouncing his legs, waiting for his father to return. He looked around the room he'd been in a hundred times.

Things changed in here but only slightly. Normally it was the case load that changed on his desk. Sometimes I liked to peak that them. Just what they are about. I'm nosey and I know it's illegal, I just can't help myself.

Something caught Blake's eye as he looked around. On the shelf was a case folder. The tab read 'N.Kamowski'. Kamowski wasn't a common name. He grabbed the file and began to read.

It was an accident report. One dead, one severely injured. The deceased was Nancy and the highly injured was, Krystal! Everything's was overwhelming me. That's how she got the scar. That's why she refused to let people drive her and she refused to drive others. All of the weird quirks she has makes sense. She was broken and put herself in a cast to heal the damage.

Blake snapped the case file closed and slid it back on the shelf and continued to wait for his dads return. As much as it burned his tongue, he knew better than to ask him about it. That meant he'd have to admit he snooped through confidencial information.

The door swung open and his father trooped in.
"Hey kid." He smiled at his only boy.
"Hey dad. How's work?"
"Oh you know, single handily saving the world, one day at a time." Blake chuckled.
"Right. Ready?" He grabbed his backpack from the ground.
"So, we ever going to talk about this girl?"
As much as it gnawed away at Blake to tell his father, he didn't. It was all to close now. He knew Krystal. He tried to save her sister.
"It's okay dad. She's just interesting to me at this point."
"Pretty?" Blake nodded. "Smart?"
"I think so?"
"Nice person?" Blake shrugged. "Mysterious?" He nodded his head wildly. "Sounds like a girl worth having interest in." Blake smiled at his dad.
"I think I'm going to take the long way home today. Just to enjoy the weather." This was uncommon for Blake. His father just nodded, not once questioning his sons motives.

I know it's not right to lie to your dad, especially when he's a cop, but I had to. I recognized that accident scene. It's not far from here. I just want to place flowers there.

Blake stopped at a grocery store to by flowers first, then drove to the accident sight. They were just simple roses, but they were the prettiest bouquet the store had, they will have to do.

He drove down the backroads and slowed looking for the spot he remembered in the photos. He saw it. He pulled his car to the side of the road. The door squeaked when he opened it, he left the flowers inside on the passenger seat. He was more focused on the figure standing over the worn cross.

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