One - Warning Of Assmebly

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Most people love the moon. It's such a beautiful orb in the sky, but not Krystal Kamowski. She hated the moon, but only since she's referred to as Moon Girl. They called her that due to a crescent scar that encircled her left eye. The scar was a secret she never told anyone about, that was the only thing people knew about her. Krystal was a girl with a moon scar and an array of stories.

"Are you ever not going to wear makeup?" Her mother complained as Krystal entered the kitchen. Ever since she got it, Krystal wore makeup to try and cover it. It was hard covering something that's across one fourth of your face.
"No." Replied Krystal, like she did every time her mother asked. "Okay, going to school. Bye love you." She grabbed her keys from the counter.
"Make friends! Love you!" She mother called after her like she did every morning.

Make friends? What do I need those for? I am perfectly fine by myself. No one to bother me and no one to tell my scar story to. Just how I like it.

The school halls were a giant display case for Krystal. No matter how much makeup she put on, the crescent divot would always be there. At least the makeup masked a little.
"Where'd you get the scar, Moon face?" Asked a passing student. Ted clung to Blake's shoulder, watching the interaction.
"Got branded from the street fights I do." Krystal said cooly. She'd been asked that question by most of the student body but she never gave the same answer twice. Krystal continued down the hall until another student stopped her only a few feet from her last encounter.
"I don't know you, but where did you get that scar?" The student asked boldly.
"It's my souvenir from when I went to NASA, I couldn't afford a shirt." Krystals face didn't waiver from her normal scowl. The student looked horrified and scattered elsewhere. Blake smiled.

These people have no filter! Why do they obsess over my scar. I'm aware it's there and it's something I'd rather forget but that's pretty impossible. Being asked about the same thing for almost 6 years is quite an annoyance.

Krystal Kamowski interested me. She was a beautiful girl, who just happened to have a scar on her face. I liked that she never answered the same. It was amusing. Some of the responses she comes up with are quiet funny. NASA souvenir, a piece of the moon hit her in the face, hair dresser went rouge, she needed a whole new eye, the list goes on. I can't imagine people boldly asking me about a scar I have. Curiosity is a dangerous thing, I should know. I'm curious myself, but if she won't tell anyone at this school, she sure won't tell me.

"That girl is a bitch." Ted commented.
"If you got asked that all the time I'm sure it would be annoying." Blake shrugged, slyly sticking up for the girl no one knew. He himself had never asked, but Ted on the other hand had asked about a dozen times. "How many times have you asked?" Blake smiled.
"A few." Ted chuckled.
"Fool." Blake pushes his friend towards their first class.

Blake and his best friend Ted only had their first class together, but that's probably because she was the only teacher in the school could handle the two of them together. The bell rang as they entered the room.
"You're late." Mrs. Tallen commented, not looking up from her stack of papers.
"We're on time." Ted pointed out. She met their eyes over her spectacles.
"If you're on time, you're late." Blake gave an apologetic smile.
"Yes ma'am, won't happen again." Blake was raised with manners, plus he respected Mrs. Tallen. She was honest and fair.

In another classroom Krystal sat at her desk ignoring the rest of the student population. Headphones in, covered by her long black hair. When it was time to start class she removed one ear bud and turned the volume down.
"Good morning class." Mr. Watson paced the room. "Just a heads up, tomorrow we are having a assembly, which will cause shorter classes."

Yay short class, boo assembly.

"We'll even get a performance from the cheerleaders!" He smiled at the class.

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