Twenty - Lets have lunch

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Thursday morning, Krystal got ready like normal; shower, make up and hair. Then out the door with usually some sort of food her mother shoved in her hand.

If it wasn't for her, I'd never eat breakfast at all. But also, this breakfast burrito is amazing!

Blake swayed on his feet, back and forth as he stood in his friend group. He was antsy and felt out of place.
"I'm telling you, she was hot!" One of the guys was telling the story of his latest lady adventure. Blake seemed to tune them out more often then tuning in lately.
"Blake," Ted called. "What about you? Any wild ladies you've had recently?" Blake cringed. Most of the guys were players or what girls would call 'fuck boys'. To his fortune, he was not like his friends. He didn't sleep around or sexually use a women. That wasn't his style, he just had sloppy, drunk make outs.
"Uh, none. I've been busy." He fidgeted with the zipper on his sweatshirt.
"You're all busy, bro. Have you even had fun lately?" Drake complained.
"What? Yeah." Blake's mind fluttered back to Oma K and the museum with Krystal. Even as somber as Tuesday was, he had fun and enjoyed his time with her. He always did.
"With Moon Girl." Ted commented under his breath.
"Krystal." Blake corrected him. Everyone stared at him blankly for a moment, shocked at him. Blake looked over his shoulder, for the woman of topic, she wasn't at her locker. When he turned back around, no one would met his eyes and all carried on their conversation like he didn't exist, he gladly took their silent treatment.

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Blake tapped his feet on the floor, watching the door, waiting. At every movement in the door, he would perk up but slump back in disappointment when it wasn't-

Wow. She looks beautiful today. Thank god I'm sitting down, I might have fallen over in other circumstances.

Krystal plopped her bag down and slid next to Blake.
"Hi." He smiled.
"Hi." She smiled back. "So I was thinking, lunch outside today?" He nodded his head in agreement.

Maybe it's greedy but I want to take his time, I like that he lets me. It's nice not to feel alone anymore. Being with Blake sometimes feels like being with Nancy. That was a feeling I never thought I'd feel again.

"Did you want to go grab lunch instead?" Krystals throat squeezed.

Go and get lunch? It's one thing to run into someone at a coffee shop or invite them to meet extended family is private. Publicly getting lunch together, it's different.

I really hope she doesn't think this is a date. I mean, we are just getting to know each other and I don't want to make it awkward or push her away.

Krystal swallowed her fears and insecurities.
"Sure." A broad smile grew on Blake's face.
"Okay." She glanced around the room to make sure no eyes were on them. Krystal still likes to hide in the shadows. Once she made a note that no one was looking so leaned in closer to Blake, taking his his smell.
"I'm thinking we should get Subway." She whispered. Blake leaned in closer to her.
"Can we get cookies too?" She giggled and nodded. "Sold."

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Subway was the closest fast food place to their high school, it was within walking distance. That's why Krystal picked Subway, they avoided the awkwardly car situation.

Krystal sat in her tucked away spot, waiting for Blake. He came strolling over with his fists in his pockets.
"Yure." She scrunched her face the second she spoke.
"Yure?" Blake laughed.
"I was going to say yeah but then I wanted to say sure and my brain decided yure was better." Her cheeks went pink.

I am the sole reason I can't have nice things. Yure?! Really brain?! Yure!! How embarrassing!

She's embarrassed, her cheeks are pink! My god, she looks beautiful.

"Okay, well let's go." Krystal stood up, trying to push her embarrassment behind her.

Lord, why am I like this? I never get tongue tied and now that I do it's in front of the one person I like. Of all people to say "yure" to, It's Blake Hardy. Just put me out of my misery already.

They walked in silence until they were off campus. Blake started to chuckle, Krystals head snapped in his direction.
"Sorry, just thinking about yure."
"Oh my lord! It was one slip up."
"No, no. I like it. It sounds like something a pirate would say." Krystal gripped her backpack straps tightly and rolled her eyes.

I think I'm only make it worse, but it was cute. I liked her little mix up. But I've embarrassed her again, so it's only fair.

"When I was a kid, my sisters would make fun of me because I couldn't get it though my head how to say nail polish right, it was Paul nail-ish." Krystal started to laugh. "Oh god, I did that for so long. Sometimes when I'm really not thinking, I still call it that." Krystal threw her head back in laughter.

My embarrassment is well worth it if her laugh is my reward.

"That is amazing! Lord, that's funny." Blake smiled at Krystal, she was too busy laughing down to her shoes to notice.
"Yeah, I wasn't bright as a kid but I sure was cute."
"I don't think you grew out of that."
"Hey!" Playfully bumping his arm, Krystal grinned up at him. "You think I'm cute?"
"Oh, put the ego away Blake Hardy." He barked out a laugh.
"But I like it, it keeps me afloat."

Subway had a small line of people ordering, a few were other seniors from their school and a few bold juniors.
"Want to share?" Blake leaned into Krystal, she returned the lean.
"What do you mean?"
"Share a foot long."
"Depends on what you like."
"Oh, I'll eat anything. You can order whatever and I'll eat it." She stared up at her friend.

Why is everything about Blake so warm? His eyes, his smile, his presence. I think warm was a good way to describe Blake.

"Only if you stay in line with me." Blake chuckled.
"Of course, where else would I go?"

As they ate their subs in a tucked away table, Krystal scanned the room. She met eyes with a girl across the room. She recognized her from school. The girl was staring, but not at Krystal, at Blake. Intently.
"There's a girl staring at you." She said lightly, trying not to sound annoyed or jealous. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. To her surprise, seconds later he turned back to face her.
"That's Monique, Teds younger sister." Krystal pinned Ted as Blake's best friend.
"She seems very fixated on you." Blake blushed red.
"She's always had a crush on me I guess. Ted used to make fun of her for it."
"But you never felt the same way?" She blurted out. Blake's eyes grew wide for a second before he caught his composure.
"Uh, no." He spoke awkwardly. "There was this girl when I was little. Her name was  Petunia, But everyone called her Nia. She lived a block down the street from me. There was a part between us and we would always met there. I loved Nia she was my favorite person in the world, even above Ted. I was so caught up in her I never notice Monique after. Ted and I were too close for me to make a move, nor did I really feel anyone for anyone for awhile after Nia." Blake intensely blushed at the realization of what he just said. Krystal watched him in muted awe.

How could a little boy be so romantic?! He was even charming back then.

My god I'm so embarrassed. Why did I have to tell her that? Why did I have to make myself sound creepy?

I want to hid this story away from everyone. I want to be the only one to know it.

"That was a very sweet story. I could never be so sweet." Krystal talked to take away from Blake's embarrassment. "I think the sweetest thing I did was when Nancy botched her hair and had to cut it short, I cut mine short too so she didn't feel left out." Blake smiled warmly at Krystal.

I don't doubt that she would do something so selflessly for her sister. I mean, she's trying to take away my embarrassment now.

Reluctantly, Blake glanced at the time on his phone. He sighed loudly.
"We should head back." Mentally, Krystal sighed heavily. She was enjoying their lunch just as much as he was.

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