Tewenty two - Family Dinner

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Krystal drove up to the Hardy house behind Blake with a slacked jaw.
"Of course he lives here." She mumbled to herself. Blake parked his Jeep next to a sliver car. He hopped out and walked to Krystal's driver side. She got out, a prideful smile plastered on Blake's face made her smile.
"Thank you." They entered the front door.

Where is everyone? Normally everyone all over the place! I mean I'm glad they're not at the door like a creepy family, waiting to welcome her, but jeez. I can hear my sisters upstairs listening to music and my parents are in the kitchen probably bugging each other but, HELLO?!

"Normally there is some one in your face the second you walk in the door, apparently they've taken the night off." Krystal giggled as she took off her shoes. "You don't have to."
"I hate shoes." She wrinkled her nose in aversion.
"Me too." He slipped off his sneakers. "Come on, I'll give you the tour."

Blake gave Krystal the million dollar tour of the house, telling her stories in almost every room.

I think the movie room is my favorite. Can you imagine watching movies on that thing? I mean like, 3D would be out of this world! Or what about Jurassic Park or Marvel movies?!

They ended in the kitchen where his parents remained, still cooking dinner.
"Dad, I'm sure you remember, but mom, this is Krystal. Krystal these are my parents."

I'm sweating more than a sinner in church. I've never had to do that whole "meet the parents" crap. Nancy did, but I didn't. I think I'm going to vomit.

"Nice to meet you sweetie, Blake doesn't stop talking about you." Blake's cheeks ignited with embarrassment. Krystal relaxed a bit at this, supplying Mrs. Hardy with a soft smile.
"I wish I could say the same for you but Blake just talks about himself." Krystal joked awkwardly.

Oh lord, that was the worst thing I could have said.

His parents burst with laughter as Blake rolls his eyes. Krystal now smiles at her joke.
"My parents already like you and at my expense." Blake grumbled. She playfully bumped shoulders with him.
"I like her because she knows the truth about you." His dad pointed out. "Unlike those other girls who worshipped you."
"Oh those girls actually liked him, I'm just here for the food and jokes at his expense." Again, his parents filled the kitchen with laughter. Subconsciously, Krystal racked her fingers through her hair.
"She's funny, I like that." His mother shook her head with a wide smile. "Blake, go get the girls please."
"Don't make two many jokes about me while I'm gone." He grumbled.
"Not as fun when you're not around, no one to grovel." She smiled brightly at her friend as he trudged out of the room. She looked back at his parents and studied them for a moment.

Blake seemed to have gotten the best of both. They were both good looking people, he is just an even mix of the both.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Offered Krystal.
"Oh no, no need. We have it all." She looked around the large kitchen at all the things hanging from the wall. Her feet carried her to the wall of framed pictures. A row of Blake hung at eye level. It was all his school pictures.
"He just has that same cheesy grin in every photo." She shook her head with a smile. His mother stopped behind her to admire the same 4th grade photo of his.
"Would he really be Blake without that smile?" Krystal giggled.
"No, I don't think so."

The table was already set as the family and Krystal sat down. His two sisters hadn't been introduced yet. She sat on his left side, across from the younger of the two sisters. The eldest sat in front of Blake.
"That's a really cool scar you got." Blake's sister pointed out. Krystal recognized her from Nancy's friend group. They weren't close, but they'd been school friends.
"Hannah!" Blake hissed at his sisters insensitivity across the table.
"It is cool." The other sister added.
"Gabriel!" Blake hissed again. Their parents just watched the volley, saying nothing. Krystal didn't mind their absence in the conversation.
"It's okay." Krystal smiled lightly. "My sister and I were in an accident when I was 12."
"Does she have a cool scar too?" Krystal shook her head sadly.
"No, she didn't make it." Blake squeezed her knee under the table. The table was silent for a moment.
"You're Nancys sister, aren't you?" She nodded. Blake shot a murderous glare at his sister. "I am so sorry. She was a wonderful person." Krystal blinked back the tears in her eyes.
"Yeah. Except when she ditched me for boyfriends, but she was always forgiven before she even left the house." She laughed through her tears.
"She used to talk about you a lot." Krystal knew that. Nancy was proud to have Krystal as a sister.

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