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We all look up at the board that had numerous movie names posted on it. We argued over what movie to watch for about five minutes before settling on a comedic action movie and we would later go watch another movie. Exciting and funny. I sat down next to Raul. I was hoping Vivian would sit on my other side but Clyde got there first. He sits his arm on the armrest between us as Vivian sits next to him with popcorn in hand. Raul and I had bought the candy and we're already starting to open it. The lights dim down as the movie starts. Clyde and Vivian were already munching at the popcorn. I look forward to the screen. Raul tapped me asking me to get the popcorn from Vivian. I take the package of Gummies from him and stuff them into Clyde's hand and get the popcorn from Vivian. Raul's hand digs into the bucket as I focus on the screen again. The movie was pretty funny I would occasionally look over to Clyde to see if he was laughing but he never did. I later noticed he wasn't even looking at the screen. He was watching Vivian. I look at him weirdly before he turns his head to me and I look back at the screen. That's...odd.
Raul says he enjoyed the movie and claims he could have been a better stunt double. Vivian and I roll our eyes at him. "He's way too confident." she chuckles throwing the empty bucket into the garbage can. I look at the time "Oh it's late." I announce it was around 11:00 pm. "Oh it is, you guys live far too." Vivian let out a sleepy sigh. "I guess you can stay at my house for the night. My mom is visiting her sister and compared to her my dad is more lenient," she said rubbing her eyes. "I can take them home." Clyde insists "No they can sleep on the couch, it's fine." She says as we walk out to the car. Clyde gives me an irritated glance before unlocking the door and getting inside the car. We all ride to this small one-story house that was wide. It was reddish-brown with a white door. Vivian unlocks the door and we walk in. I take off my shoes at the door. She tells us to stay at the door as she walks to what I assume is the kitchen. "Who are they?" I heard her father say. He didn't sound very mad or bothered by the idea of his daughter having so many people over. I hear a few more murmurs of them talking back and forth before they both come to the door. "You both can sleep on the couch. Clyde, you too unless you're going home," he said. This might be one of the most unbothered guys I've ever met I am truly in awe. Vivian flashes us a grin of triumph. We go to the couch Vivian grabbing us pillows and blankets. Clyde pulls out the couch into a bed. "I feel like we're camping, doesn't it feel like we're camping?" Raul says. We all look at him like he's stupid. I shake my head and help Vivian drape the blanket over the bed. "I'll sleep on the floor I'm too big and I don't want to be squished nor squash you," Clyde says making a futon with his blankets on the floor. I toss him a pillow before laying down next to Raul on the bed. I pull the blankets over me. "Ok, good night," Vivian says before cutting off the lights and walking away. I yawn before drifting off to sleep.

I wake in what feels like a few hours. Raul was snoring next to me his arms sprawled. I got to pee. I step down from the bed and look down to see Clyde wasn't in his futon. I look around for the bathroom walking down the hall. I open the first door to the right and walk into it. I cut the lights on and use the bathroom washing my hands afterward. After drying my hands I cut the light off and walk back into the hall. I stand still for a moment letting my eyes adjust to the dark again. I looked further down the hall to see a door cracked open. My curiosity led me to walk to the door.
I peek into the room to see Clyde hovering over Vivian's sleeping body it almost looks like he was kissing her. I open the door a little more and it creeks a bit. Clyde's head snaps in my direction I give him a weird look. "You saw..." He mumbles standing up. "It doesn't matter she won't believe you. But don't try it, I'll make your life hell." he threatened. This was the most emotion I've ever seen him express. My eyes quickly look down to see Vivian still asleep. She has to be a heavy sleeper to not hear this. He walks closer to me. "So what's it's gonna be? You gonna keep your mouth shut or do I have to shut it for you?" he warns glaring down at me. He looked like he was gonna murder me with that glare. I step back out of the doorway stumbling into the wall behind me. "You don't look like the type to start rumors but I wouldn't run it past you," he said walking closer. "W-what?" I stammer. I was taken aback back by how defensive he had become.

"Listen, you've seen shit that your gonna wish you didn't." he gripes I was already wishing I hadn't.
"H-how that my fault?" I question
"I don't care who's at fault. You better find a way to forget and quickly." He smirked. This situation feels quite familiar and not in a good way.
"It's not like I wanted this to happen." I defend. Clyde's grip on my collar tightens and his face comes closer his hazel eyes growing darker with fury. "No one ever does. I don't want to hurt you but I will. Keep your mouth shut." he said before throwing me to the floor. "Oh, and while you're at it stay away from Vivian. We don't need you slipping up," he grumbled as he stormed out of the hallway and into another room. I get up from the floor. I rub my shoulder before standing up. What did I just witness? What is he talking about? I like Vivian but not in whatever weird way he does. I knew there was something off about him and the way he looked at Vivian.
After the sleepover, Clyde has started to dropped us at our houses early in the morning. I don't know what I should do. Now that my Annabella problem has pretty much vanished I have a Clyde problem. What's up with everyone threatening me?
Clyde stops the car in front of my house. "Thank you," I mumble before getting out. I go to and unlock my door as Clyde zooms off. Did I forget to lock it? I walk inside and close the door behind me. I feel something hit the back of my head I stumble forward. Damn it! The person hits me again before I had any time to react. I fall to the ground losing consciousness.

When I awaken my head is throbbing. I put my hand to my head where I was hit. I open my eyes to see she was smiling but it was the type of smile you only use to cover up one emotion...Rage
"You should have listened to me the first time. Honey, you'll learn, I don't make empty threats," she says darkly
Every time I think about it I just get angrier. What was this false sense of security and relief I had come crashing down, I thought it was all over.
At first, I was just clueless trying to figure out why this was happening to me but now I know they are just mental.

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