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I wake up in a haze with this wet feeling around my groin. I look down to see Annabella on top of me her mouth wrapped around me.  I feel a ping of pleasure as the pressure of suction increases. I groggily attempt to turn away from her just to realize my wrist and ankles were bound to whatever bed we were on. "Mmm," she hums at my movement before bringing her head up. " You're finally awake." she cheers. "W-why?" I ask drowsily. She looks down at me her eyebrows furrowed. "I know you've been avoiding me for more days than I'm comfortable with." She said scooting up to sit on my thighs. "I'm avoiding you because I don't want to talk to you!" I yell pulling angrily at my restraints. Her hands snake around my partially limp dick, "When will you understand that don't have a say?" she purred as she began to stroke up and down. I gaze at her my eyes full of confusion. I stay still as I feel a new and foreign feeling creep around my groin. It began to feel hotter. Her hands move quickly before her thumb rest on the tip pressing down. "I will not tolerate being ignored," she states. I hiss from the pressure tugging against the ropes. "Don't struggle too much baby you'll hurt yourself." she cooed. "Don't you want to play?" she asked with a look full of false care. "I-i don't want to play with you, Anna." I breathed
Her other hand resting on my cheek. I look at her fear evident on my face. She looks into my eyes laughing maniacally.
"I like the look of terror in your eyes." She smiles going back to stroking. I really can't come up with a reason I would end up here. My arms pull at the ropes trying to move away from her grasp as I feel something approaching. Her smile widens and her arm strokes faster. My eyelids shut tightly and a rush of pleasure passes. I breathe heavily as I look down to see my cum spray onto my stomach. I let My head tiredly fall back against the bed.
"Ahh!" I yelp as her hand begins to move again not giving time to recover. "Relax this will take a while." she chuckled evilly.

"There's nothing left, please stop!" I gasp tears sliding down the side of my face. Her hand continues with rough strokes her expression unwavering. She's still really angry. What did I do? I reflectively pull at my restraints as her hand begins to move faster. This is the 6th time. I began to feel a familiar painfully overwhelming feeling approaching. "No no no no! Please!" I beg, tugging at the ropes. "I can't p-please stop!" I cry.
Sobbing and whimpering hoping she'll give me mercy. My eyes were wet from tears. Each stroke was more agonizing than the last. For some reason, she decided to take her anger out on my dick, her clutch was harsh, to say the least. I look down at the angry red skin on my dick that was starting to chafe. I look up at her she seemed like she was focused on something else like she didn't hear me begging. Her strokes started to slow but were still roughly. "Ana? A-Annabella?" I call trying to get her attention. Suddenly her hands start moving faster. "Ah, A-Annabella?!" I quiver as my body spasms. She was now looking at me. "Do you usually just let people touch you like that?" She asks
"W-what?" I question confused. She leans closer "Earlier Leon, you let that boy Raul touch all over you." She says her voice filled with malice. "I thought I made it clear that you are mine." She says loudly her arms moving faster as her nails claw against my chest. My body stiffens and shakes as I finish dryly. "If you like boys so much I could always call my brother, " She threatens. I shake my head no as I lay limp on the bed.
She was talking about Santi, he wasn't her blood brother they were in some type of gang that called each other family but didn't act like it. He was a maniac. "Aw, you look so cute when you cry. If you don't want me to call Santi it better not happen again." She warns before hopping off the bed leaving me there sweaty and exhausted. I stare up at the ceiling shivering in sweat, for a while before my eyelids grew heavy and eventually closed.
I feel a slap on my face making me jump awake. "Get up!" a husky voice shouts. My eyes shoot open looking to see Santi who was driving the car earlier. I catch his eyes wandering down to my naked body before he moves and untied my ropes. I rub my aching bruised wrist bringing them close to my chest as he unties my ankles. I still feel exhausted. "She said she's not mad anymore. So go home," he states while throwing me my clothes. "That's what I was doing before I had a gun pulled on me." I spat glaring at him. He walks to me and leans down to my level. He roughly grabs my neck and squeezes a bit. "Watch who you're snapping at, boy. One wrong move and I'd be happy to cash in a favor," he whispers into my ear. I pull back still glaring as he straightens up and walks out the door.
Fucking bitch.
I slip on my shirt and carefully put on my pants. I rummage through my pants pocket trying to find my phone. I stop when I realize my phone was nowhere to be found. I stand up shakingly holding onto the frame of the bed steadying myself before walking through the door. I walk down the hall and into an open room that looked like a kitchen. Anabella was sitting at a table with my phone in hand. I walk up to her fuming. I snatch the phone out of her hand. She looks up at me and shrugs it off. "I put my number in there so when I text you answer." She insisted.
"I'm not answering shit! Matter of fact, let me delete your contact." I say opening my phone. She laughs "Do you really want to do that?" She questioned leaning back in the chair. " After that, I don't want anything to do with you," I say swiping to find her contact. "You just don't get it." She chuckled hysterically. "We already know where you live. You don't have many friends. Your tall but you're not that strong. So what you gonna do?" she list "Next time you misbehave or try avoiding me I won't be as nice. You wouldn't want someone you love to go missing." she warned. "I-I" I waver I'm at a loss for words because unfortunately, she was right. I only have one friend and I'm certainly lanky. If I went missing my dad wouldn't notice I was gone until a day later because of his working schedule. I look up at her perplexed. "You finally get it," she smirks as she hands me my backpack. "Santi will take you home," she said before walking off.
The car ride was weird, every time I looked up I could see Santi glaring back at me through the review mirror. And here I thought they said to keep your eyes on the road.

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