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I made something to eat and went into my room. I lay on my bed texting Vivian. [" So you wanna watch a movie or something after school?"] from Vivian. [" Yeah sounds fun. Can I bring Raul?"] I text back. My phone buzzes after a few minutes. [" Sure, I think Clyde knows him from one of the sports teams."] Vivian texted back. Everyone knows each other already. I am such a loner.
I text Raul [" Wanna come to the movies with Vivian and Clyde after school?"] I text he responds immediately [" Yeah. When did you start making friends?"] I chuckle I'm not sure if Clyde is a friend or an acquaintance of sorts.
I put my phone down and turn in my bed facing the windows. I'd rather not think about it.
I can't help but feel anxious for tomorrow I've never gone anywhere with friends. Well with Raul but he's more family than friend.
Breathe in, breath out. Just don't think about it. Because when you think about it the thought begins to fester and you try to back out of things. Tomorrow is going to be fun. I try to run positive thoughts through my mind as I drift off to sleep.

"Oh, this isn't too bad." Annabella giggles while tying a rope around my neck. For some reason, I'm unable to move. She tugs at the rope a few times resulting in me grunting painfully as my neck like the noose being jerked around. She then puts her foot on my chest and pulls at the rope. I choke out grunts of pain as I lose oxygen. Why can't I move? Nothing is tying me down but I can't move. I struggle for a while trying to breathe before the rope tightens and I start to lose consciousness then it just stops. I look up at her to see a smirk grown into a grin. "Again," she says maliciously.
I jerk awake sweating I pat around my body making sure I was ok. I let out a sigh full of relief as I was in my bedroom. What the hell was that? I pull my shaking hands to my chest where my heart was beating rapidly. Was it a dream? No, a nightmare. Whatever it was left me a little shaken. My chest and back were sweaty. I pull at my shirt fanning my sweat with its movement. "I can't even relax in my dreams." I sigh.

Besides my unneeded nightmare. I think I'm feeling excited. Wow, that's a first. I walk to the bus stop and sit down at the bench. I'm way too excited I just woke up early for school. For school. I can't help but laugh at my giddiness I'm hoping this whole movie get-together thingy will be fun. I wait for a few minutes before the bus pulls up, I step on walking to a seat. While listening to music through my headphones I couldn't help but let my mind drift to my nightmare. I was growing more anxious having not seen Annabella recently. Maybe she was doing this on purpose to make me paranoid, if she is it is working. I rub my eyes tiredly as I look out of the window as the bus starts to move. I guess not seeing her was a good thing. The bus pulls in front of the school and I press the button to stop. I step off and walk into the school. I walk up the stairs passing a few boys who were fighting and pushing each other over some phone. I walk past trying to mind my business. I walk straight to the library walking around seeing Vivian wasn't here yet. I even checked where we usually sit. I mean she has a car so I'm a little confused about how she wasn't here already. I pull out my phone deciding to text her
["Where are you?"]To Vivian, I pressed send and went to sit at one of the tables. After a few minutes, I got a text ["I had to go to a club meeting. I forgot to tell you. Sorry."] From Vivian, I huffed a little disappointed. I had forgotten she had a life outside of me. I stood up from the chair tossing my bag onto my back and left the library. I might as well eat breakfast even if it was from the school. I walk into the cafeteria tray in hand after retrieving my breakfast that the school provided. "You haven't eaten the school's breakfast in a little while," Raul says as I sit down in front of him. "So where did you go when I was..." Raul started but stop not daring to call the little dispute a result of jealousy. "Um... I was in the library." I said trying to save him from his embarrassment. He nods his head. "Is that where you got all buddy-buddy with Vivian?" he asked raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes. "Buddy-buddy, really Raul?" I retort in disbelief "Of course you two would be the only ones who still use the library. Such book worms." he smirked, "Well anyway what movies are on at the theater?" he said firing a rubber band and across the cafeteria, it landing on some girl's head. He quickly turns back around "I don't know," I shrugged "You know Clyde right?" I question. He nods his head, " Yeah from football. He's a pretty chill guy." Raul tells messing with the bands on his wrist. I guess Clyde was chill but also kind of scary. And I have a feeling that he doesn't want me around.  But he says he likes my art so that's something positive...I guess.
We talk a little more until the bell rang and the awkwardness that was once there had melted away.
We walked to our first class. I was shocked to see Annabella and Santi not at school again. Before I had felt relief when I didn't have to see them but the more days that past the more anxious and weary I grew. I sat down behind Raul taking out my notebook as the bell rang signaling the start of class. The class was boring as usual but Raul made it enjoyable with his constant jokes and fidgeting .
It was now the 3rd period which had become one of my favorite classes because I had it with Vivian who was now trying to staple our draft together. "Again, I'm so sorry. I forgot about the meeting." she apologized for the 5th time. "It's ok," I assure her while handing her another paper. "We are almost done anyway," I noted as she clamps down the stapler. "Yeah we just have to go to some paper store to get the thicker paper, then print it." she lists. I nod my head. I lean forward using both hands to hold my head as I look down at her working my elbows resting on top of the desk. the clicking of the staples sounds in my head as I dose off. I feel her finger sweep a stray curl out of my face making me open my eyes a bit stunned. "How are we gonna get this done if you keep dozing off?" she says retracting her hand. I rub my eyes and lean back in my chair. "I'm sorry I haven't been sleeping well." I sigh bringing my focus back to the papers in front of me. "Just drink some coffee," she says and I give her a weirded-out look. "The problem with that is that I hate coffee," I explain scratching my neck. She squints her eyes at me. "That's different, but ok." She murmurs. What does she mean? What high schooler just-drinks coffee like they have a 9-5 job? "You like coffee?" I ask and she nods her head. Now I feel weird about it. I think too much. I couldn't help but keep looking up at her eyes they were turning this pretty brown that reminded me if a tiger. Strange comparison...I know. I would occasionally drift in and out of focus.
We were nearly finished by the time the bell rung. The rest of the day felt like it was going turtle speed until the last bell rang. Raul and I walked out of the locker room together among the many other students and exit the building. We wait at the curb until a big Mercedes G-wagon pulls up in front of us. We both take a step back. What the-. "Get in." we see Vivian wave from the passenger side. Who's the car was this? Raul and I look at each other before walking up to the car. "Who's car?" Raul says to Vivian. "Clyde's, hurry up get in we have a movie to watch," she responds. Raul tugs and the back door before climbing into the back seat I hesitantly crawling in afterward. "Your car is sick!" Raul exclaimed to a driving Clyde who just grunts in response as he drives away from the school.

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