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This time when I woke up I still had clothes on. Thank goodness. Unfortunately, though I was on the bed from last time with Annabella and Santi staring at me from the end of the bed.

"Ok, you have one rule today. Breathe," she says as she crawls onto the bed. Sounds easy enough.
"And I have decided to let you have a choice, either I choke you or Santi chokes you though I can't guarantee you will be breathing when he's done." she giggles
Who am I kidding? It's never easy. "Can nobody choke me?" I question "Pick among the given options." she snaps
My eyes shift to him. His eyes were fixed on mine glaring. "You" I answer her quickly without any hesitation. "Good choice. Santi come hold him down," she orders smiling as she sits on my stomach before wrapping her hands around my throat. My hands reflexively go up to stop her but I feel the bed dip behind me and my arms being pulled away from my neck.
"Ok, you ready?" she questions. I shake my head no. "Too bad." She smirks as her hands squeezed my throat I struggle against Santi's hold as the pressure grew. Her smile grew as tears slipped from my eyes and my feet kicked the air. "Remember the rule." she giggles. I try to tug my arms away from Santi's grasp but it did little to nothing. I close my eyes tightly as I start to lose consciousness. She lets go and I feel the air rush back into my lungs. I cough a bit before looking up at Annabella. "Again," she says her eyes wide with excitement as her hands come back to my neck. I close my eyes for a bit as her hands squeezed harder. Why does this have to hurt so much? I feel more tears slip from my eyes. I don't know when but I started to hear a deep chuckle from behind me. My consciousness starts to fade. She let's go again. "Hmm, this is starting to make a mark. Let's try something else," she suggested hopping off of the bed. When she comes back she comes with a whip. I shake my head. "N-no," I say quickly as she crawls onto the bed. "I won't do it too hard. Just enough so that you can remember this tomorrow." she chuckled cheekily.
How could forget this? I definitely wouldn't think this was a dream.
"Take it off of him," she said her face turning serious. Santi then pulls my shirt off of me before cuffing my hands to the bed frame. He gets off the bed and steps back.
The whip cracks and I couldn't feel it for a few seconds before the pain came rushing along my chest. the whip cracks again "Ahh!" I hiss in pain as the whip dances across my chest. After a few more burning strikes she finally stops.
"This is your second strike remember that because you won't get any more warnings once you reached the third." She says with a serious tone. Her hand strokes through my curly hair as her eyes soften the tiniest bit "Don't make me do this to you." she whispers. "What did I do?" I ask. "You're not allowed to talk to or hang out with anybody but me. Remember you're mine. I want you to listen because if you don't, I won't have a choice," she says. "A choice for what?"I question tiredly. Her eyes darken and a grin spreads across her face. "I'll have no choice but to break you. Though I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy seeing you suffer." She says. I feel my heart drop to my stomach.
She leans over me unlocking the cuffs.  "Santi take him home." She says walking out of the room after tucking the whip back into the drawer.
Santi roughly pulls me off the bed. "Get your shirt on," he says throwing it at my face. I send him a glare before pulling it over my head. I press my hand on my chest it's a bit sore but it doesn't hurt anymore. In my opinion, my first visit was way worse.

"It'll be over soon. Then you can go back to being a loner." Santi says looking back at me through the review mirror. I could tell he was lying this wouldn't be over anytime soon. He takes a turn down another street. "She always does this but it doesn't last long." He continued. "You've lasted the longest purely on luck but she's usually not this patient. She's the type to eat you up then spit you out with no guilt or remorse," I look at him through the review mirror. "Why me?" I ask still looking into his eyes. "I don't know and I don't care." He states the car stopping in the back of my house. I had almost forgotten he wasn't my friend before that comment.
I opened the car door looking back before getting out shutting the door behind me.
I just can't understand why she does this. But maybe it's not meant for me to understand.
I take out my keys as I walk up to the front door. I unlock the door I hesitate to walk-in not knowing what I'm going to do from this point on. Should I just tell someone? I don't think I can tell Raul though he seemed like he'dealing with his issues right now.
I open the door and close it behind me. I was surprised to see my dad wasn't here. I take my shoes off at the door and set my bags onto the kitchen table. I walked around the house he was nowhere to be seen. Isn't he usually home by this time? I pull my phone out to look at the time. It's 8:45 pm, where is he? Maybe he had to stay later at work.
I toss myself onto my bed I pick up my phone after hearing it buzz a few times. [" Don't forget to come to the library for lunch tomorrow. We have a book to finish."] from Vivian. I smile at the text before replying [" How could I forget."]
My phone buzzed again. ["You better not! This is the book that gives me life. You wouldn't want to miss it."] From Vivian, I chuckle before putting my phone on the charger and going to sleep.
"Beep Beep Beep Bee-" I slap my alarm clock. I pull my blanket off of me and swing my legs over the side of my bed. I rub the sleep from my eyes. I take a shower and get dressed. I jog down the stairs with my newfound energy. I look around it still seems like dad didn't make it home. I pull out my phone to text him but instead, I received a voice message from him. [" I'm sorry, I'll be back in two weeks. I have a side job to take care of. Your welcome to stay at Raul's house since I've spoken to his dad already. Be good Leo, I'll bring you something when I get back. Love you."]
After that message, I don't know how to feel. What is he even talking about? What side job? I don't want to be left alone in this house. This is new to me he never had to leave town or anything for work.
I tuck my phone into my pocket grabbing my bag off the table and headed for the door. I slip my shoes on at the door before walking out. I walk to the bus stop which is pretty far from my house.
I try not to think about everything that's going on while I wait at the empty bus stop.
You would think that the silence of the empty road would help me clear my mind but it was quite the opposite. I could feel all my worries that we're bundled up in the back of my mind start to grow. I pull out my headphones and turn on some music. By the time the bus pulled up I had almost forgotten what worry was.

Instead of going to the cafeteria for breakfast before school like I usually do, I decided to go to the library. I take a seat at my favorite spot, the floor against the back shelf. I read for a few minutes. "Oh, Leon fancy meeting you here," Vivian says funnily. I flash a small smile. "Hey Vivian, " I say looking back down at my book.
"What's wrong? Don't you usually hang out with Raul before class?" she asked sliding to sit by me. "You keeping tabs on me?" I ask skeptically. She nods and flashes a warm smile "I keep tabs on everyone. Come on tell me what happened?" She gently places her hand on my shoulder. "I really don't know. Ever since yesterday, he hasn't been answering my text or phone calls." I say my hands gripping the edge of my book. "Maybe he's going through something and needs space right now. But as his best friend, you should be here for him when he comes back around he'll tell you," she says softly while rubbing small circles into my back. "Yeah, I know. I guess I just forgot other people have problems too." I smile sadly watching as a tear falls onto a page of the book. Fucking tear.
I feel her thumb wipe the tear from my cheek. Her arms wrap around my shoulders. "It'll be ok, Leon," she assured as I hesitantly leaned into her touch. I don't know if she's just a caring person in general but I try to consume as much generosity as I can before being released.
"Yeah, I hope so," I whisper to myself.

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