Returning to Helvna...Again

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Before he let Ember do anything else, Lucas made her rest.

When Ember woke up, she had her energy back and was ready to talk again. This time, she had to remember what she had read in Alyey's journal.

"If I remember correctly, Alyey said she had to keep her 'family she didn't even know existed, safe' and that Dune was going to help 'them'." Ember frowned. She really didn't know much. It was now that Ember was starting to wish she had read more out of the journal.

"Whose them?" Lucas wondered aloud.

"I would say Darkett, but he's our age and only one person."

"Maybe his father?"

"I don't know. I don't think he ever mentioned a father."

"Well, we can't sit here all day trying to figure this out. We need to make a trip to Helvna. We've had a spy over there, but we're bringing her back."

"Okay, I'm ready." Ember stood from her chair and stretched.

"Oh, also we need to rescue some dog." Lucas added while rounding up his stuff to take.

Ember froze. A dog. "Lev!"

"Huh?" Lucas watched her with a wary expression as she danced around.

"That's my dog."

"Fantastic." Lucas muttered.

"Chill, Lu-"

"Let's go." Lucas interrupted.

They started walking out of the town and towards Helvna. "If you interrupt me-"

"Please shut up."

Ember was silent for a full minute.

She suddenly broke out singing.

Lucas groaned. "Okay, stop singing. Just- just tell me something about yourself."

"I can climb trees." Ember said instantly.

"Really?" Lucas said sarcastically. "What a talent."

"I'm the only person in Helvna that can do that." Ember frowned.

"In Helvna." Lucas emphasized Helvna.

"Fine. What about you?"

"Uh...I'm good at strategizing?" Lucas said as though he was unsure of himself.

Ember smirked at him. "That's all you got?" She paused. "I died my hair purple to go against the rules at the Element Affinity Function."

"Oh, so you're a rule breaker?" Lucas grinned at her.

"Of course. I like some excitement in my life."

Lucas nodded. "Ha, I've thought of something! When I was seven, I ran away from home and to the next nearest town. I stayed there for a week, and no one came looking for me."

"Oh that's-" Ember started.

"Don't say it's sad, because it wasn't." Lucas warned.


Seeing Helvna again brought back many unwanted memories to Ember. It was quiet and not a soul was out on the streets. Actually, a couple of guards were wandering about.

"How are we getting in?" Ember whispered to Lucas. They were hiding behind a tree that was right outside the entrance gate.

"They same way I got you out." Lucas replied softly. "Once we're in, I'm going to the place that our spy will be waiting. Since you know where your dog-"

"Lev. His name is Lev."

"Since you know where...Lev is, you can go get him. I'll give you ten minutes to get back here."

"Yes, sir!" Ember saluted.

"Now is not the time to be joking around." Lucas growled. Ember faked being wounded, but Lucas, not knowing she was joking, started apologizing.

"You're so sweet." Ember pinched his cheek and then took off to the secret passageway.

Once inside, Ember didn't go to find Lev. She instead went to find Dune. Well, his room. She didn't have much difficulty, although she almost ran right into Ellis. Ellis was looking rather mean and unfriendly.

Dune's room was practically empty, but Ember didn't let that fool her. She went to her hands and knees and searched under his bed. There!

She found a latch, which she wasted no time in pulling back. It was challenging to see, but Ember could tell that there was a pile of papers. No, letters.

Reaching for the letters, Ember gasped when she heard what must've been the bathroom door open. She quickly thrust the letters into her inside jacket pocket, and hastily stood up.

It was Dune. He sure looked shocked to see Ember, but he quickly recovered.

"Oh, dear Ember, it's so very good to see you again." He grinned maliciously.

"I really can't say the same to you." Ember said viciously. She needed out of here.

It suddenly came to her. The door was right behind her. Dune wasn't standing in the way.

Ember used some of her energy to create a force field. It shimmered in the air for a moment and then was replaced by a solid, clear wall. That was the first time Ember had ever used a real one.

"Wicked!" She exclaimed, forgetting where she was. Dune shouting in anger brought her back. She quickly escaped with the letters tucked safely in her jacket.

It was only in an empty hallway that Ember dared to read one of the mysterious letters.

Dear Dune,

I realize this letter is rather late, but it's in your possession now at least. You probably don't know who I am, but just know that I love you. I wish I had known about you sooner, but at the time I gave birth, I was unconscious. I didn't even realize I gave birth. I was going to write your sister a letter, but I'm running out of time, and I think a letter from me would do her more harm than good. I understand the situation your in, but you don't have to hurt people.

Love Alyey; your loving mother

This chapter was kinda hard to write, but hopefully it sounds alright. We're getting to the juicy parts of the story, but it's not close to being over.

I appreciate all comments and votes. This story is almost to 200 reads which is awesome! It's not a lot to other people, but to me...WOW!

Please VOTE and COMMENT!!!


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