The Stygian Forest

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Gah I'm so slow! I've been really busy so this took a while. It's here now though. Comment and vote please! Neither one takes very long and comments will really help me with my writing. I like the feedback as long as it's not rude or mean.

After Ash had finally calmed down, Ember pulled out some crackers and gave a few to Ash. They would have to minimize their food intake because neither one of them knew how long it would be until they found more civilization.

"You okay?" Ember asked Ash. They really needed to start moving but Ember didn't want to be inconsiderate. She just wasn't used to comforting people, let alone guys that were jerks.

"I'm perfectly fine." And he did sound perfectly fine and he looked fine too.

"Then, let's move out!" Ember joked. Ash glared at her.


Ember grabbed the two bags and wasn't surprised when Ash, who wasn't carrying anything, didn't offer to help. Ember didn't need or want help though so she was glad. Although she was skinny, that didn't mean she wasn't at all strong.

The Stygian forest was dark and unwelcoming. Creatures made strange and creepy noises. There were long, frightening shadows and gnarled trees. Ember wanted to get out of that forest but she had no idea when they would.

They walked and walked and walked until they came upon a tree that looked as though someone or something had just been there.

"Ash, do think that someone was here recently?" Ember asked in a hushed voice.

"Could be." Ash said unhelpfully. Ember punched him in the shoulder.

"We need to work together and if you don't want to, I will leave you here and you can go back to Dune and beg for mercy if that's what you want!" Ember said angrily, leaving Ash by the tree to search for a person.

She found one.

It was a man. He was crawling on the ground, trying to move fast but wasn't managing to move any faster than Ember. He was moving much slower than Ember.

Ember ran up to the man and spoke.

"Who are you?" She asked cautiously. The man turned his head and Ember collapsed on top of him and started crying. "Daddy, you're okay! You're here! You can help us and I can help you!" Toret pulled Ember into a tight hug.

"Of course I'm here, Em." He murmured. Ember didn't respond. She couldn't because she was sobbing so hard.

Ash heard Ember crying and a strange man's voice and then and there he made up his mind. He was going to stick with Ember. He had no other choice.

He sprinted into the trees Ember had gone in to.

"Ember!" He yelled. He quieted, to wait for a response. He didn't get a response but he heard a loud sobbing and a man's voice soothing Ember.

Ash crept farther into the group of trees and abruptly stopped when he saw the touching scene. The man had his arms wrapped around Ember who was crying her eyes out. He was comforting her.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Ash yelled out. Ember's crying stopped and she turned her head so that Ash could see her tear stained face. The man also looked at Ash. He flashed his teeth momentarily and Ash couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Toret Anala, Ember's father." Toret answered in a hushed voice.

"Oh, well I'm Ash Delios and I'm with Ember." Ash said also in hushed tones.

"I figured." Toret said to Ash and then directed his attention to Ember. "Em, we need to go back to where your stuff is." Toret said while pulling Ember into his arms.

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