The Dark Palace

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The Dark Palace was Darkett and Christopher's childhood home. Ember couldn't help but think that their parents must have been very successful. The Palace had black walls, black carpet, and furniture in different shades of gray.

Christopher was still holding a restrained Ember in his arms.

"When are we going to-" Christopher started.

"Tell her our plan, why don't you, Chris?" Darkett hissed.

"Sorry." Chris mumbled. "When are we -carrying out the plan?"


Darkett wanted to do it now, but despite its problems, he liked Ember's fiery spirit and rebelliousness, and soon that would be non existent.

He wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

"Take her upstairs." Darkett ordered. He sighed as he watched Christopher carry Ember up the stairs. Something was eating at him, and he knew exactly what it was. His mother. His mother would never have wanted him to do this. She wanted him to be good, unlike his father. His father had been a ruthless dentist and purposefully tortured his patients. Darkett wasn't planning on torturing anyone. Yeah, people would get hurt, but the only person that might get tortured was Ember.

Darkett didn't want to torture her though. He loved Ember. In his own twisted and sick way, he loved her.


Chris threw Ember down on an ebony King-sized bed. He tied her arms to the bedpost and stood above her smirking. She looked so harmless.

Moments later, Darkett thundered in.

"Leave." Darkett instructed Chris. Chris sighed but followed orders.

"Did you miss me, Em?" Darkett smirked.

"No, not really." Ember said through gritted teeth.

Darkett sat down on the bed, and watched Ember with an amused expression.

"Why are you staring?" Ember demanded harshly.

"Because I can."

"That's not a good answer."

"So?" Darkett said stubbornly. Ember ignored him. "Why hasn't Luke come to save you yet?" He grinned.

"Lucas." Ember corrected. She actually thought about what Darkett said though. Was he even trying to find her? They hadn't exactly last seen each other in good terms.

Darkett saw her depressed face, and became serious. "For your sake, I hope he's looking for you."

Ember brought her head up, shocked. Darkett continued.

"Of course, I hope he doesn't find you, but I hope he's looking."

"He probably isn't." Ember muttered.

Darkett arched an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't he?"

Ember debated whether she should tell him. What harm could it do?

"Violet and him thought I left them when I went into the Infinite Hell of Dreams."

"But you didn't, did you?" Darkett frowned.

"Of course not. There was just something I had - no, - I needed to do alone. I was going to go back, but I didn't get the chance."

"I guess he wasn't very nice to you."

"No, he was -I mean, I don't know." Ember stuttered. She couldn't help but think of Ash. She hadn't forgotten him.

"Every time I see you two, you're mad or fighting. Obviously it's because he likes you." Darkett stated matter of factly. "Do you like him?" He asked bluntly.

Started With An EmberWhere stories live. Discover now