Secrets Revealed in Uskll

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"Wow, impressive!" Brett exclaimed

"Ha ha thanks!"

"You really didn't need their help."

"I don't need anybody's help." Ember said sincerely.

"I can tell. Well, this is where Shay said he was going so...lets go see if he's in there." Brett ended the conversation. Ember and Brett had talked all the way to this building that happened to be on the other side of the city.

"Yeah...hold on. Let me just make sure Ash and Weston haven't killed each other yet." Ember turned around and was stunned to find that neither boy was in sight. "Crap." Ember muttered.

"What's wrong?" Brett asked innocently. Too innocently.

"Where are they?"


"You know who! Tell me!" Ember demanded. Ash and Weston irritated her and she could barely stand them but she didn't want them to get hurt either.

"Shay just took them to go... clean up."

"Hold on a minute. You just a little bit ago said that you didn't know where Shay was but that he should be in here with my stuff. How about you start telling me the truth!"

"Ah, but you see, this is a city where the people are all liars."

"A lie has speed but truth has endurance."

"Very wise. Unfortunately for you, in this city we don't care. Lies are normal and to be expected."

"Okay, so what happens now?"

"Well, now we have to go and...clean you."

"What do you mean by that?" Ember asked fearfully. It was a mistake in going there.

"Allow me to explain as we walk." Brett grabbed ahold of Ember's arm tightly and wouldn't let go when Ember squirmed. She tried to throw a kick but Brett easily blocked it. "I was hoping to not have to use restraints." He said calmly. That comment didn't stop Ember from trying to escape and in the end, Brett yanked both arms behind her back and forced her to walk in front of him. "Now, there are two stages to cleaning. The first is physical in which you are actually cleaned. The process can be mildly painful though. It is a thorough cleaning. The second stage is mental. We take a look inside the mind and run several tests."

"Why are you 'cleaning' us though?" Ember questioned.

"We like knowledge and control over the people in our city and you seem dangerous. That means we need to know everything about you. Also, in this city you must learn your place. Cleaning is a way to show you that place."


"Very good. You are much smarter than your two boyfriends." Brett said slyly.

"They are not my boyfriends. They are simply accompanying me although I'm not sure why." Ember argued.

"They may not be your boyfriends yet but that's what they want."

"I wouldn't have more than one boyfriend."

"Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe...those boys are fighting over you?"

Brett did not speak the rest of the way to the 'Clean' building.


"Alright Ember, if you would just follow my instructions-"

"Go to Hell." Ember interrupted softly.

"I'm not quite ready for that yet. Let's live in the moment hmm?"

Started With An EmberWhere stories live. Discover now