Girl Greenie

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I woke up having to fight for my breath, I couldn't remember anything except for my name, Maddie. I was in a metal cage-box thing, and from the looks of it, it was going up

I felt like I had been pulled out of water for who knows how long. I felt two pieces of paper in my hand, I looked at them closer and saw that they were notes, the first one had my name on it, so I opened it up and began reading.

'I'm so sorry they did this to you, I only took you with me to make sure you were safe, and then of course they sent you in anyways. You're probably wondering who I am, I'm you older brother Thomas, and I need you to know that I will be seeing you again soon. I'm always watching you even if you can't see me. I love you M, more than anyone and anything. Make sure none of those boys touch you -Tommy' and there was a picture of a boy with dark brown almost black eyes and dark brown hair. Which I believe is my brother

But still, I couldn't believe what I just read, I have a brother? Just then the box that I was in started going faster and faster. "Help!" I yelled. "Please!"

Just then the box stopped, and I fell flat on my butt. "Ow!" I whined.

Just then, I was bathed in light. I had to use my arms to cover me.

"It's a girl!" I heard an accented male voice yell.


"No way!"

"Is she cute?"

"She's a kid." Said that same accented voice.

I finally took my arms away from my eyes to see over two dozen boys.

"Don't worry love, we won't hurt you." He said with a smile, holding his hand out to me. He had welcoming brown eyes, blonde hair and a slim yet athletic build, to say he was cute was an understatement.

I hesitantly took his hand, and climbed out of the box-cage thingy.

I was surrounded by boys and when I was looking for somewhere to get away, I saw a tower thing and several things to throw, so I did the natural thing. I let go of the boy's hand and ran towards the tower, picking up several rocks, I saw this sword thing so I grabbed that too, I climbed up the wooden tower and waited for the boys to try to come anywhere close and when they did, I started throwing stuff.

"Hey! Hey, we just want to talk!" I heard the boy who helped me out of the cage yell.

"Leave me alone or I swear to god, it won't be pretty!" I yelled back.

"If you throw another one of those things- " I threw a rock at the boy before he could finish.

"Go away!" I yelled as I threw another rock.

"I'm coming up! I'm coming up!" I heard the accented boy yell.

I stopped throwing things and waited.

The boy came up and held his hand foe me to shake.

"My name's Newt. Do you remember yours?"

I nodded. "It's Maddie."

He nodded. "Let's head down, alright?" It was my turn to nod.

He brought me down the ladder and the boys were all looking at us.

Newt looked at my hands. "What are those?"

I looked down and saw that I still had the notes, I gave him the one I hadn't read yet.

He read it and his eyes went wide at some point.

"What is it Newt?" Asked a leader like voice.

"It's a note." Newt said.

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