Oh, It's You

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Within a matter of a week or so, the eleven children had provided you their consent to adopt them. And while the process to adopt them was underway, you moved them into your manor. It was fit for children, with dozens of spare rooms, a large garden with several gardeners to keep track of them whenever you were busy, and a feline friend, along with plenty of toys and things they needed.

As the carriage pulled up to the entrance of your manor, their eyes lit up with stars, even thought they had been there a few times within that week. You all had returned from shopping for clothes, toys, and getting supplies for lunch. 

"It's so pretty!" Isabella exclaimed, immediately jumping out of the carriage as soon as the carriage had stopped. 

"Hey!" Jackson shouted, making nine others follow him out of the carriage. "Wait up!" The swarm of the other nine kids followed the red-head into the home, all laughing amongst themselves. Only you and Talia remained in the carriage.

A large book of fairytales was in her hands, which you had gifted to her when all of the children arrived at the manor. Of course, you had given them all gifts, too.

"So," you said, making her anxiously look up. Her golden, circular-rimmed glasses were slowly sliding down the bridge of her nose. "How are you liking that book?"

Her large, chocolate-brown eyes averted your own, and her small fingers gently played with the corners of the pages, "It's nice. Thank you,"

You gave her a gentle smile and gently reached your hand out to her, to which she hesitantly took it. 

"Don't worry," you continued. "You can trust me."

She nodded, and soon, you, her, and the other children were in the large garden. Norman, Amelia, and Noelle were exploring the endless rows of white and red roses, while Jackson, Isla, Thomas, and Elijah were attempting to catch Ginger. With the other four reading from the same book beside you, it was easy to admit that it felt nice. 

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, especially with Ciel and Sebastian coming to visit them soon.

"Mistress," Hudson's calm voice made you turn to the elderly man with a gentle smile, making you turn to the four. 

"Please excuse me for a moment," 

The four, excluding Talia, ran off, and the shy brunette had gripped the end of your dress for life itself.

"...Can I please come with you?" she asked, her manners as impeccable as usual, despite only being seven years of age.

You nodded and gently grabbed her small hand, turning to Hudson with a curious expression, "Did you need anything, Hudson?" you asked.

He nodded, "Yes, Grell has come bearing gifts,"

Your blood ran cold. Your eyes flashed a shade of magenta and a low, nearly-silent growl escaped before you returned to your somewhat composed state.

"And why would that be?" you growled, and your mood being switched completely. "Did you let her in?"

He shook his head, "No, but he's waiting in the foyer," he replied. "It seemed he got in by some unconvential methods. It almost seems as if he isn't human by some sorts."

You rolled your eyes, but before you had time to go all out of the grim reaper, and your former-friend, you instructed Hudson to lead the children to the main library, to stay with them, and to not let them out until you knocked three times. 

He, confused with your command, did as he was told, helping the children inside and up the staircase. A few of the children waved to you, and Oliver and Norman had questioned if there was anything bothering you, to which you replied with nothing with a gentle smile.

Soon, all of those you requested to be in the library were, and you, using your abilities, speeded towards the foyer. Your eyes were a magenta, clearly pissed at the intrusion.

There Grell stood; wearing her signature red, holding several packages of gifts that you presumed were for the children. 

"Care to explain why you've chosen to intrude into my home, Sutcliff?" you asked. Your tone was dripping with venom and utter disgust.


Before she had a chance to speak up for herself, you had thrown her to the tile floor and landed on top of her. Her emerald eyes held sorrow, regret, and most importantly, a look of needing resolve, but all of that was ignored as your fingernails sharpened into claws.

"Did you not hear me last time? How I would make sure you ended up dead a second time? Or are you too inflatuated with the thought of us demons to give a damn?" You pressed the claws to her neck, where her Adam's apple went up and down.

Suddenly, a calm and stoic voice interuppted you.

"As much as I would appreciate you getting rid of my associate, I'm afraid you aren't permitted to do so,"

Your eyes shot up to meet Willaim T. Spears', an old friend of yours.

"I'd also appreciate if you'd hear him out,"

"Hey!" Grell exclaimed, her tone as eccentric as ever, despite the situation. "I am a woman of high regard, you nutwick!" 

William rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose with whatever his death scythe was. 

"Oh," you said, your tone continuing to drip with nothing other than disgust. "My dearest apologies. I presume you expect me to forgive the reaper that murdered my sister in cold-blood. Especially in front of the last family I have other than those eleven children up there, whose day is being interupted by the same reaper."

"Y/n," William retorted. "Just do it. I'm wasting enough time as it is, and I sure as hell don't wish to work overtime because of this idiot, either." He looked down at Grell, "Fix this mess at once unless you want to have a nail as your death scythe for the remainder of the month."

William stepped further into the home, examining the rooms on the first floor.

You scoffed and got off Grell, standing up and glaring at the redhead, who had begun picking up the presents. 

"Five minutes," you said, holding up the five fingers of your hand. "You have five minutes to prove to me why you don't deserve death, and still deserve to be dear to me."

That Fateful Evening: Grell Sutcliff x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now