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I'm aware the chances of you forgiving me are quite low, especially with what I've done. I'm also aware physical things won't help you forgive me, such as those gifts I sent over with that infamous nutwick.

The point of this letter is: I love you. I care for you on all levels. There is something about you that draws me to you. And yes, I know that my constant flirting with Sebastian or Will may annoy, but there is something that makes me run back to you.

I know it's going to take time for you to forgive me, that is if you choose to. 

Yours truly,

Grell Sutcliff.

That night, as you filled out your usual amount of paperwork, the thought of arranging a meeting with Grell enticed you more and more. If she were to attempt to harm you in any way, your abilities would allow you to protect yourself fairly easily, and you could make up an excuse as to why you were leaving off the top of your head.

You silently stood up and grabbed your coat, exiting your luxurious office in search of Hudson, who was always awake during this hour. 

It didn't take long for you to find him, tucking the children in for bed and reading the younger ones bed-time stories. You smiled at the sight and silently helped him, giving each child a gentle kiss on the forehead if they wanted, and reading short bed-time stories for a few moments.

Soon, your were on your merry way to where Grell Sutcliff would likely be this time of night: Big Ben. With the excuse that you needed to go grab some medication for yourself, nobody questioned when you left in a rush. 

You continued to stare at the night sky as you made your way to the famous historical sight, not bothering to mind your surroundings for potential dangers to yourself. Of course, your enhanced instincts kicked in, but that was pretty much it. Like mentioned previously, you could protect yourself if it was necessary.

Thankfully, you arrived and glanced at the large tower. One fun fact a lot of people didn't know about the historical sight was the bell. The name 'Big Ben' didn't refer to the height or size of the tower itself, but the bell inside. You weren't sure how you knew that fact; perhaps you learned it from your schooling.

"Dearie," a familiar, yet surprised voice caught your attention. Your eyes latched onto a roof of a nearby bakery to find your former companion. "What are you doing here? It's quite dangerous for a noble woman to be out this late, especially when alone."

"Hello, Sutcliff." you greeted. Your tone was cold, with a sliver of both anticipation and politness to it. 

"Grell," she corrected, putting away her death-scythe just in case you found her threatening in any capacity. "I presume you read my letter."

You nodded, sparing a glance at Big Ben before locking your eyes with her emerald ones. "Yes. I was tempted to come here and discuss it with you." You hesitated with your next words, and an expression of confliction plastered your features. "I've...missed you."

Grell's emerald eyes softened, and she rushed forward to wrap you in a tight, loving embrace. "I've missed you, too, dearie." The two of you remained in that position for some time, but gradually, you wrapped your arms around her, returning the embrace and burying your face into her chest. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you, and you could tell neither of you wanted to change that.

Soon, you broke the silence. "Grell," you said, catching the red-heads attention.


"I...forgive you."

A choked sob escaped from Grell's throat, making you look up in concern. You found her bright emerald eyes filled to the brim with tears. Yet, despite that, a grateful and relieved smile lined her lips. You said nothing further as you embraced her tigther, gently tracing random shapes into her back in a silent attempt to calm her down.

It didn't take long for the both of you to seperate from each-other, but you both remained calm and relieved, your hands interlocked. It seemed like everything had fallen into place, in a weird way. Of course, you were both aware that there would be times where you both had to face the music, and that it would cause incidents, straining the relationship, but it seemed that none of that mattered. It was going to take time for those scars to heal, but as long as you had each-other, everything was going to be okay.

Grell looked at you, composed and ready to take on the world with you by her side. She tightened her grip on your hand slightly, making sure you were really there; standing in front of her, giving her a kind and gentle smile.

"I love you, dearie." she said, gently lifting your hand to her lips and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it.

A warm feeling in your chest arose. "I love you, too, Grell."

Neither of you said anything further as you gently wandered through the streets of London, examining each and every shop you walked past with great intrigued. The cold air didn't bother either of you, as each-other's company warmed the both of you.

Or maybe it was the fact you were both practically immortal and had Grell's coat draped over your shoulders. 

"Dearie," Grell called out to you, sparing a brief glance at the sun that was gradually coming up. She removed her gloved hand from your own and set it on your waist, then rested her head on yours. "Thank you for choosing to stick with me."

You hummed and gently closed your eyes, subconciously leading the two of you back to your manor. "Of course, Grell," you said nothing as you led the both of you back, but once you arrived, you turned to her. "Can you do me a favor?"

Grell nodded, a kind and loving smile lining her lips. "Of course." 

"Lean and tilt your head for me, please. Also, please close your eyes."

A slightly perplexed expression painted her attractive features, but she followed your instructions regardless.

Her smile grew when she felt your lips on hers, and both of your hearts fluttered at the thought of your new life together. 

The bumps in the road were no longer a concern, as you both were aware that your devotion to each-other woould help you overcome any challenge.

That Fateful Evening: Grell Sutcliff x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now