No Judgement

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As the afternoon sun shone in through the window, you actually felt calm for a little bit. With a teacup in your hand, you heaved a heavy sigh, but it was one of relief. Over the past few days or so, Grell wasn't as annoying as she was when she arrived. In fact, she was quite useful when she did her part in the investigation. 

So far, you and Ciel Phantomhive have discovered a few essential clues regarding the prime suspects. One, the leader is suspected to be linked to a few drug trades in the states along with a few homicide investigations. It is likely they fled the states by boat and soon arrived in England approximately two years prior. One possible motive for the kidnappings, if they are behind it, is a copious amount of pounds in ransom. It was reported that all of the missing children were all descendants of high-class families. 

What a lovely thing to read while drinking tea. 

 While the identity of the leader is unknown, this did help to some extent. 

The grand doors of your office opened to reveal the very redhead you were thinking of. 

"Good morning, dearie." She greeted with a hand on her hip. By this is point, you had gotten used to her nicknames. Everything from 'dearie' to 'bumbling moron', you had gotten used to it all. 

"Hello, Grell. Is there something the matter?" 

Her emerald eyes avoided yours, but she sat down in the chair across from you, which, of course, made you look at her with concern. 

"Tell me what's wrong." You instructed, setting a stack of paperwork onto your desk. Folding your hands and setting your chin onto the back of your hands meant nothing good. Granted, you weren't frustrated with Grell, just concerned. Besides, conveying your emotions wasn't something you were necessarily good at. "And don't even try to lie to me. If there was nothing wrong, you would be sitting in the main hall, fanning yourself about how attractive Sebastian was with a mirror, while also checking for any signs of aging, despite being a grim reaper." 

She groaned and stood up, soon sitting down once more for no apparent reason. 

"What was that for?" You asked, a small smile lining your lips. 

"I'm nervous!" She replied. 

"About what?" 

"Something I'm about to tell you!" She pulled out yet another mirror and inspected herself for any signs of aging, which you found comical in a way. A grim reaper checking for any signs of aging was the most ironic thing you had seen in a while. She then turned her attention from her features onto you once more, a hesitant look flooding her face before a smile lined her lips. She leaned forward and did the same pose as you.

You titled your head in confusion as her emerald eyes searched your own, but for what? 

"How do you feel about my gender identity?" She asked, setting the mirror on your desk. Her voice was different from her usual flamboyant tone. It was deeper, and considering the context, you needed to take it seriously. 

"I don't have a say in it. And why would I? It's you, not some cork-wood I met on the street. And even if it was a random cork-wood on the street, I don't see an issue with it. It's your identity, and I don't care to have a say in it. I support you, as you have been supporting me in the case in your stay." 

Grell grinned and gave you a wink. "Darling, how sweet." 

You laughed and stood up from your chair, a smile on your face. Grell's emerald eyes widened in surprise, making your smile fade into a small frown. 

"Is something the matter?" You asked, stepping back into your chair hesitantly. 

"Nothing's the matter. It's just, well, your smile is magnificent."

You shook your head, smirking, which made Grell stand up and and flip her locks. 

She smiled at you before her eyes landed on a chess set that sat on a nearby table. You couldn't remember the last time you used it, perhaps a year ago, when you and Alea escaped a ball to play.

Oh, her. 

You frowned as memories once again flooded through your head, but you kept your composure. It had been around a week since the whole ordeal, and you wouldn't allow it to ruin your time with Grell. She had been comforting yet realistic towards the situation once you explained it, something that was somewhat hard to come across.

A gentle hand touched your shoulder, which caused you to look back at Grell, who had a serious look on her face. 

"Dear, is there anything you need? Anything at all?" She smiled, showing off her teeth and pulling out her scythe, well, it would've been a scythe if she hadn't got in trouble, so, it was replaced with a measly pair of scissors. "I'd be honored to kill anyone who needs killing, for your sake, of course." 

You laughed and shook your head.

"I'll pass, but thanks. I'm not one for murdering others unless it's absolutely necessary." 

She swirled a piece of her red hair around her finger, looking off nowhere. "What a bore." Her eyes lit up and she soon gripped your shoulders tightly. "Red is such a lovely color, is it not?" 

You smiled. "Yes it is, Grell." 

The doors to your office opened to reveal your butler, a tray of your favorite cake and beverages in his hand. He was wearing different attire than usual. It was a lot less formal compared to his usual suit, and his expression was also different. He didn't seem as tense, and you could tell he was excited yet nervous about something. 

"Mistress, I have brought your favorite cake and beverages. I advise to eat them as soon as possible, as dinner will be in a few hours." 

You nodded and gestured for him to set the tray down on your desk, to which he followed. 

"Is there anything the matter? You seem different. Just take a look at yourself. You seem less tense and are dressed in a much less formal manner. Are you sick?" You asked. 

He shook his head. "No, you see, I have a date with an old friend. And I suppose I got too excited, as I got changed into casual attire before I got your approval." 

You handed Grell a cup of the steaming tea along with a piece of cake before turning to your butler. "I'm in a rather good mood. You are free to leave, consider it a day where you can do whatever you wish." 

He smiled and left, leaving you and Grell to laugh and chat for a few more hours. 

That Fateful Evening: Grell Sutcliff x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now