Introduction to the Crotch-Gremlins

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The night sky provided little light as you quietly entered the large bedroom where the other ten children were. Some were huddled under the warm blankets Sebastian had provided, while the others sat around Sebastian, who was telling them stories to pass the time.

Sebastian noticed you, standing up and turning to the children, "I'm afraid it is time for me to return to my master." he explained. "However, I'm sure Madam Y/n can soothe you all to sleep."

A blonde girl waved to Sebastian in an enthusiastic manner, "Bye-bye!"

He waved to her and everyone else, soon leaving the room and giving you a look of intention, signalling that you both would be killing that pig soon enough.

Their eyes landed on me, making me somewhat subconscious. You were well aware how you had offered to adopt all of them, and how you would fulfill your word, but you didn't know what any of them were like. What if they were the human versions of devils?

You softly chuckled at the thought and gave all the kids a warm look, setting Jason down on the floor gently.

"Hi," you greeted, to which most of the children gave an awkward wave or just plain ignored your presence. "My name is Y/n L/n, but you are free to call me whatever you'd like." 

A little girl, whose bright blonde hair and wide, blue eyes immediately caught your attention gave you a small smile, turning to a small brunette beside her with glasses. 

"Talia," she said, making the small brunette with large glasses look up from the large book in her lap. "Aren't you going to say hi?"

The girl named Talia looked at you with a nervous gaze, however, her hazel eyes softened when she saw my expression.

"Hi.." she greeted, not bothering to approach me.

The blonde giggled, "Yay!" 

For the next few hours, which soon turned into the early hours of the morning, you had gotten to know the names of every child in the room, either from the children themselves or from the others. After all, some were asleep, despite the amount of trauma they all had endured. 

There was this one red-haired boy, whose name was Jackson. He was awfully protective of the little blonde girl from earlier, whose name was Isabella, and the little brunette with the large glasses' name was Talia.

You were also introduced to Norman, Elijah, Isla, Amelia, Liam, Oliver, Thomas, and Noelle, all of which were siblings whose personalities couldn't have been more different. While Jackson and Talia were siblings, and Jason and Isabella also being siblings.

It was complicated, to say the least. But, you could manage. 

By the time dusk has began to gently touch the sky, six of the eleven children had fallen asleep in the very large bed of the guest room they were staying in, all huddled together under the warm blankets. It was a cute sight, and it only made you more determined to adopt each one legally and raise them to their fullest potential. But, before you could do that, you wanted consent from each of them, just in case they felt uncomfortable about anything.

You softly chuckled at the thought. It seemed Angelina had rubbed off you a bit.


Your eyes turned and landed on Norman, Oliver, Isla, Noelle, and Amelia, the remaining five that remained awake.


"Is it true you're going to adopt us?" Amelia asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her emerald eyes shined with a hope of some sort, and it was clear they all were expecting an answer as soon as possible.

You gave a warm smile to the five, nodding and kneeling in front of them to meet their eye-level. After all, all of the eleven children were between the ages of eight and ten, meaning you were going to have to get used to the back pain that would be sure to cause just to meet their eye-level.

"Of course," you answered. "But I want each child's consent before I do so. I would hate to make any of you uncomfortable, especially considering what you all have gone through."

Oliver, who you later discovered was the oldest of the bunch at the age of ten, nodded and hesitantly held out his hand, and the others followed. His eyes were covered by his long, blond hair, and from his voice alone, you could tell they were going to break into tears soon.

"Please," Oliver said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Please adopt us. We don't want to be all alone anymore."

You nodded, slowly and carefully taking each of their hands, making sure they were comfortable with the action before you thought of doing so.

"It's settled, then," you said. "You five will be adopted by me as soon as possible."

The door to the room gently creaked open to reveal Sebastian, whose devilish smirk immediately told you it was time to finish this case once and for all. You got up from your position and looked at each of them, whose eyes were filled to the brim with tears of either gratitude or relief.

"Before I go," you said, giving each of them a welcoming smile. "Please discuss it with the others. I want to protect all of you to the best of my abilities."

Norman nodded and gave you a little salute, making your smile widen. 

You turned to Sebastian, and for the first time, there was a small, yet genuine smile lining his lips, "Please give me a few moments."

Before you knew it, you were tucking each of the five in next to everyone else, wishing them goodnight and giving them reassuring words, telling them that whatever they wished for, or whatever they needed for their healing process, you were ready to provide. And you would protect them and everyone else with your own life until the bitter end. Of course, you didn't mention the fact you were a sub-species of demon, but, for now, they needed to feel secure, not confused or scared of their new caregiver.

You soon left the room and blew out the final candle that remained, meeting with Sebastian, who teasingly called you a grandmother.

You called him an asshat for that one.

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