All Worth It

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So, here's a chapter to celebrate!

You soon stood in Mr. Black's own dungeon, where he had kept the children for approximately six months. It was cold and wet, and it smelled like old, moldy bread, and most unfortunately, the dead. Sure, it was only three fatalities out of the fourteen Mr. Black had kidnapped, but it still disgusted you. Even with the remaining children resting in the several spare rooms of Mr. Black's manor, who were also being treated by Grell's collegue, William T. Spears and Sebastian, you were still concerned.

The only thing that made the situation a bit brighter was the fact that a chained up Mr. Black was facing you from the inside of the many cells he had. He was currently knocked out cold, with his crimson blood still dripping onto the cold cobblestone floor. Unfortunately, as much as you'd like to kill him, your dear nephew had insisted on plain torture until he got all the answers he wished for.

Then you could kill him and set the manor ablaze, leading the children to safety while Sebastian lit the place on fire. 

"Aunt Y/n," a familiar, stern voice voice called out to you. "Is he ready to start answering questions, or is he going to keep pretending to be unconscious?"

Your now magenta eyes snapped onto Mr. Black, and a sadistic smirk lined your lips.

"Oh, really?" 

He nodded and pulled out a file of sorts, not bothering nor caring to watch your steady walk towards the cell.

"According to this file, Mr. Black is an alias of some sorts." Ciel explained, crossing his legs all sassily. "His birth-name is Edward Becker. He runs a successful Northern American company, which provides services regarding child care. He has a history of visiting mental facilities."

You rolled your eyes in disgust and gripped the collar of Edward's collar, pushing him forward as hard as possible against the metal bars. His eyes snapped open to meet yours, and he groaned in agony with the amount of bruises and blood that was continuing to pour out. His now-not-so-perfect features made him unrecognizable.

"Care to explain, pig?" You growled, kicking him where the sun don't shine through the bars. "Taking care of innocent kids when you pull things like this?" You smirked. "There's a special place in Hell for you, and trust me, I've been there multiple times. Where all the sick freaks go. Where they're tortured ten times over than what I'm doing now. Consider this me going easy on you."

Using the strength you had gained from being a sub-species of a demon, you sent him a punch that made him fly backwards into the brick wall behind him.

He screamed in agony once more, and soon, more tears had started to stream down his face. 

"Edward," Ciel called out, catching his attention. "You can stop suffering if you give me the answers I want." 

"Never!" Edward shouted. "You're nothing more than a spoiled brat! Burn in Hell!" 

The nails on both of your hands immediately turned into claws, and your eyes escalated from magenta to crimson red. You kicked down the bars of the cell with ease, and you were soon pressing your very sharp claws against his neck.

"Say one more thing that won't help my nephew, and I will make your head a decoration for my fireplace."

Ciel waved his gloved hand, "Please refrain from killing him until after I receive my answers, Aunt Y/n." 

You pulled away, but not before shoving Edward harder against the wall. 

"Anyways," Ciel continued, pulling out his personal gun and pointing it at Edward, who immediately cowered in fear at the sight of it. "Aunt Y/n, you are free to head home. Sebastian and I can deal with this pig."

You nodded and gently handed Ciel a piece of his favorite candy, your eyes returning to their normal shade. But before you left, you gave Edward a look of utter deadliness.

"Look at him in a way that implies anything other than helpfulness, and I will make sure to follow up on my threat." You threatened, soon exiting out of the dungeon and resurfacing to Edward's personal quarters. It didn't interest you much, so, you continued throughout the grand, yet tacky halls of his manor.

"Are you Miss L/n..?" A meek, delicate voice called out to you, and you couldn't help but turn your head to behind you. There stood a little boy, dressed in the all-white pajamas that Sebastian had provided them, and of course, they were the one you had bought. He held a severely messed up teddy-bear in his grasp. His chocolate brown hair was a mess, and his sapphire eyes were filled to the brim with tears of worry. But regardless, his lips barely held onto a smile.

Your gaze softened as you kneeled down to make eye-contact with the boy, who looked to be around six years old, "Yes, and you are?" You asked, your tone gentle and kind.

"My name is Jason Beckette." He explained, gently hugging the bear tighter to his chest. "I wanted to thank you for saving my little sister and I. All of us don't have much to rely on."

You raised an eye-brow and gently placed your hand above his head, silently asking for consent to run your fingers through his hair. He, who you could tell was very intelligent, nodded, and even gestured his head upwards. His chocolate locks were freshly clean; you could tell that much by how damp his hair was.

"Do you care to explain?" You asked, your voice becoming soft. 

"Well.." he trailed off, his sapphire eyes showing he was hesitating on telling you what he meant by his previous statement. Finally, he complied. "All of our parents are either missing or gone. If there's one thing we all have in common: it's that we're all considered orphans." He continued. "All I know is that we all have money we can't access until we're older."

You nodded and gently scooped him up in your arms, continuing your process in soothing him by running your fingers through his hair.

"Well," you said gently, carrying him to where the other children would be sleeping for the next few nights or so. "Why don't you, and all those other children, including your little sister, come live with me?"

That Fateful Evening: Grell Sutcliff x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now