The One and Only

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A gloved hand clasped your shoulder, making you jump of pure surprise. Of course, it was understandable. Finding out the person who were starting to fall for had killed your final sister was gut-wrenching, and what was even worse was that it was hidden from you.

You were all alone for so long because of the woman you had started to fall in love with.

You swiftly turned and saw a concerned Grell, whose emerald eyes held remorse and regret, while yours were magenta with pure anger. 

"You care to explain, Sutcliff?" You growled, tightly gripping her arm and harshly dragging her to the empty balcony. It provided a moderate amount of seclusion, which was helpful considering the issue at hand. 

"Listen-" she replied before she was stopped by you slamming her into the brick wall as hard as possible, keeping her in place by gripping the collar.

"I don't want to see you around either Ciel or I again. And if I do, I will make sure you're dead a second time." You threatened, only glaring into her emerald eyes more. Both of your eyes were filled to the brim with tears, and it was a heart-wrenching sight to see. "Why did I even think me and you could survive together? That we could stay alongside each-other? What is it? Trying to kill Ciel? Trying to kill me too?"

She said nothing in response as she gently pushed you away. Her expression said nothing other than true remorse, and before you both could blink, tears were streaming down both of your faces.

Using your sleeve, you wiped them away as quickly as possible, but they continued to fall. You chest felt heavy with grief. 

"Bye, Grell." 

You sat on the large railing and leaned back as far as possible, soon letting go entirety as Grell stood in utter surprise. Falling backwards from a balcony was something you had done several times, and as a sub-species of demon, it worked as a good way of moving around the city. 

It didn't take long for you to land upon Big Ben's roof, and when you reached it, the moon was already high in the night sky.

Nobody would think to find you there. 

By that point, your dress had been completely teared and dirtied from the amount of things idiots left upon their roofs. Knives (for whatever reason), shards of beer bottles, dirt, chimney dust; everything. How come people didn't clean their rooftops? 

You could only assume they didn't think demons were real and would be hopping their rooftops

"Goddammit," you cursed to yourself, tearing the dress so it wouldn't continued to be dirtied and torn, to the best of your abilities, of course. It was now above your knees, meaning the inevitable cold January air was going to strike at any moment. As more tears threatened to fall, you let out a small groan of both anger and sadness, then buried your tear-stained face into your knees.

You weren't sure of how much time had passed, but by the time you bothered to look up, you saw a familiar pair of red eyes peering into your now regular ones.

"Good evening," Sebastian greeted, setting himself next to you.

"Go away." You replied firmly. You didn't want to deal with the demon that would soon take away your nephew.

He said nothing as he reached inside the coat of his outfit and pulled out a full bottle of red-wine, which he offered. 

"Thanks," you softly said, gently taking it from his gloved hand. However, you didn't immediately drink it, as you didn't know what was in it. 

You both remained silent as you slowly began to drink down the red-wine, the fruity yet bitter taste of it making you cringe somewhat. You would've preferred Masala Chai tea to this every time, but this helped push down the feelings that were threatening to resurface.

"We found them." Sebastian said suddenly, making your head snap so fast you almost got whip-lash.

"Really?!" You asked, a moment of joy showing itself on your features.

 He nodded, "Yes. A few are severely starved, and unfortunately, some are no longer with us." He stood up and brushed off any dust that were to require him to wash his signature suit. "We weren't able to save them tonight, as Mr. Black was entering his bedroom, where he was keeping the children with the help of a secret door. It's suspected they were going to be shipped off to France, Paris."

You nodded and gently stood up, tossing the now-empty bottle off the tower. 

"That's understandable. I suppose we'll have to rescue them tomorrow evening." 

He smirked, "And how do you expect how to do that?" 

You gave a small smirk in response, despite what had went down just hours, or you could assume, before. 

"Doing what a succubus is known for."

He nodded and shook your hand, both of your eyes glowing magenta. 

You, who was already feeling somewhat better due to the alcohol, gave him a look of confidence before going to do the same thing you did on the balcony, but before you got the chance, Sebastian spoke once more:

"By the way," he said, taking off his glove with his teeth. "I won't hurt the Young Master until our contract is fulfilled."

You nodded and jumped off the tower backwards. The moonlight shone, lighting up your features.

When was the last time you felt like this? from your worries?

Soon, you landed onto the cobblestone streets, which coincidentally was the same place where you saw that head of bright red hair. It stung for a second before you focused your attention back onto your objective: getting information from Mr. Black.

It didn't matter what you had to.

"Madam Y/n, what are you doing out this late at night? You know what can happen to a dainty thing like yourself, do you not?"

Your head turned to find exactly who you were looking for. 

He wore casual clothing that was suited for someone several ranks below him. You could only assume it was to fit in amongst the citizens that never walked the streets at night.

You gave him the most innocent smile you could muster and turned to him, your voice a few octaves higher than your usual voice. In reality, behind that smile was the intent to get the information in any way possible, along with a small dagger you had snatched from Grell's coat when dancing with her. You had planned this confrontation plenty.

"Hello, and thank you for your concern." You replied, briskly walking over to him and wrapping your arms around him tightly. Looking up into his eyes, you saw nothing other than pure perversion. 

Grell never looked at you like that. She looked at you with respect, admiration, and most importantly, love. You gulped, but were able to hide it by burying your face into his chest. 


"You know," you continued, your voice as sweet as honey before your eyes returned to magenta. "You're a real bastard. Planning on selling kids for profit? Disgusting." 

Your hand thrusted behind him and stabbed him the back. Soon, your gloved hands were soaked with crimson, and the cobblestone streets were still painted with red. 

Unfortunately, you couldn't kill him, so, you prompted to giving him a few good punches and kicked him where the sun didn't shine. He soon collapsed, and you heard Sebastian chuckle behind you.

That Fateful Evening: Grell Sutcliff x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now