Walk on London Streets

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You blankly observed the pointy teeth and sighed. It didn't surprise you since you were also not mortal. You had seen the pits of Hell, where the most dangerous demons roam, drooling over the thought of killing innocent people for the taste of souls. 


I mean, not that you could judge. You were also a demon, just not the ones that ate souls. All you craved was the energy of humans, as it provided as a tool to strengthen your abilities. And sure, humans expected you to sleep with old and married men to only end their lives, but you had standards. Plus, you were a hopeless romantic at heart. Spending the rest of forever killing old men for their last drops of energy sounded like a bore. 

As the nearby street lights flickered, she gently grabbed your hand and helped you rise to your feet, where you brushed off the dust off your dress that had collected during the short duration you sat on the ground.

"Where are my manners?" She asked herself, sticking out her gloved hand with her emerald eyes shimmering with intent. "My name is Grell Sutcliff." 

With hesitance, you shook Grell's hand, leaving her to chuckle.

"Never thought I would encounter a succubus who was crying their heart out." She teased, then pulling out a mirror from nowhere and checking for any sort of wrinkle or sign of gray hairs, or at least, that's what you assumed.

"And never would have I thought I would meet a grim reaper this way." You replied.

"This is a bore." She said, throwing the mirror away as it were some cheap accessory. "I need a place to stay. As Will is currently looking to end me with paperwork and a lot of lectures!" 


"Apologies, I meant an absolute nudnick."

"I see."

Unfortunately for you and Grell, the rain continued to pour, meaning you would have to deal with the redheaded moron. You gripped the end of your sleeve and turned around, gesturing for her to follow.

"Come with me. You'll be staying with me for the time being. That way, you can escape your inevitable death of lectures and overtime; which I consider quite ironic." You said, grabbing the umbrella from the grim reaper's hand. 

"Hey! You can't just steal a woman's umbrella!"

"I can, will, and did!" 

You opened it and handed it back to Grell, as she was taller than you and wouldn't drop it or make either of your postures ridiculous as you walked. As you two walked back to your manor, neither of you spoke. And why would you? There was nothing to discuss other than tea and crumpets, not to mention the fact you had no idea what it was going to be like. The rain was starting to clear up, thankfully, and the stratus clouds that blanketed the sky soon followed.

She nudged your arm. "Nice weather, yeah?"

You replied with a deadpan expression."If you don't shut up, I will-"

"Oh look! We're here!" She cried, pointing to your manor.

"How did you-" 

She placed her gloved hand over your mouth as her gaze landed on a familiar tall, dark haired individual, who seemed to be waiting for you and you alone. He noticed you, and a familiar grin lined his lips as his bright pink eyes stared into your own.

"Ah," he cried, briskly heading to where you and Grell stood. God, you could see the annoyance in the way he stood, even if it was night, "I have a letter from my master, lady Y/n."

You narrowed your eyes. "And you must deliver it to me in the dead of night?"

He gave an innocent smile, yet his unfortunately familiar eyes screamed terror. You knew what kind of man, well, demon he was. He was after his soul, and if you had anything to say about it, you would kill him before he had the chance. 

"Yes, it involves a new case." 

But instead of hitting the fellow demon over the head, you put on your own innocent smile. "Splendid. I assume he sent it to me in regards to a new case." 

With a chuckle, he produced an envelope and handed it to you. It was sealed with the familiar crest of the royal throne. It was addressed to Ciel Phantomhive, yet he handed it to you. What was his game? 

A flamboyant cry from Grell made you turn your head to see the redhead fawning over Sebastian, hearts surging out her eyes. 

"Bassy!" She exclaimed, immediately attempting to leap into his arms, to which Sebastian dodged with ease and casually hitting the back of her head with a chop.

A twinge of irritation made you roll your eyes and click your tongue. "I have no time for idiocy. Come inside, we'll discuss it over a cup of Earl Grey. I presume that's your master's favorite, isn't that correct?" 

"Yes, that would be lovely." He replied. Grabbing Grell by the back of the coat, you dragged her along with you. As you and Sebastian entered the manor, your butler greeted the both of you with a relieved expression.

"Mistress! You're safe!" He exclaimed, bowing before wiping tears from his eyes. 

You gave him a nod, not wanting to discuss what had happened between you and Alea. "Yes, thank you for your concern. Would you please prepare three cups of Earl Grey?" 

He gave a surprised expression. "But I though you weren't a fan-"

"Please just do it." 

He scurried off towards the kitchen, leaving you, Sebastian, and Grell alone in the main hall of your manor. 

You turned to both of them. "What is this case you speak of?" 

Grell groaned dramatically. "Just get on with it! Enough with the theatrics!"

Sebastian hit her over the head before answering your question. "The case involves ten children. Half boys and the others girls. They all went missing last night due to mysterious circumstances."

You opened the envelope, not bothering to acknowledge the idiotic redhead gawking at the  demon. "Do we have any suspects or leads so far?" 

"Yes, there seems to be a gang of sorts. From what we know from The Undertaker, they have been travelling through London for a few years." 

"Any specific names, jobs, or records?"

"I'm afraid not." 

You raised an eyebrow and once again folded the letter, gently putting it back into the envelope. "Schedule a meeting for Ciel and I to discuss this. In the mean time, I will be investigating on my own to the best of my ability." 

Sebastian nodded in response, but before he took his leave, he turned to you with one of the best yet most fake grins you've ever seen. "So glad we could have you involved." 

You scoffed, grabbed Grell by the collar, and dragged her to a guest room, not bothering to acknowledge your butler, especially not the cups of Earl Grey on a tray he held.

That Fateful Evening: Grell Sutcliff x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now