Chp. 10- Unecessary

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I stayed in bed for an hour before I finally decided to get up and get ready. I didn't want to go to school but it was Friday, so I thought why not put myself through one more day of torture. I put some clothes on and brushed my teeth before leaving my room. I walked to the kitchen and saw my dad over the counter with his head in his hands.

"Uhm.. morning." I mumbled.

He looked up and gave me a small smile. "Goodmorning."

I poured myself a glass of juice and sat down. "How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Okay, I guess."

"That's good. So.." He started, "Pamela is coming over."

I looked over at him in confusion. Then realization struck me and was replaced with anger. Pamela was his mistress that he cheated on my mother with. "I don't want her here." I said through clenched teeth. The last thing I wanted was to be around the girl that ruined my mom's marriage.

"That isn't your decision to make.. I know you aren't very happy with what happened between your mother and I, but-"

"You screwed around with that bitch while you were with her!" I yelled standing on my feet.

"Hey! You have no right to call her that! You don't even know her and-"

I intterupted him again. "I don't want to get to know her! You still cheated and left us with nothing! Mom had to put Trent through college alone! She still has to pay for Lizzy's tuition this year but you don't give one shit about any of us! All you do is spend money on your little toy." I spat in discugst. Anger now raged through me just at the sight of him.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking again. "Your mother and I weren't in love and-"

"Bullshit! Mom did love you! She still fucking does! She forgave you after all the times you treated her like shit! It was you who didn't love her. You just fucked with her mind and look where she is now! Drinking away all of her memories because of you! You made her like this!"

"Okay! Fine.. I didn't love your mother. But trust me, Taylor, I still do care for her." He tried to speak calmly.

"You're fucking worthless."

"I am still your father and you no right to talk to-"

"Fuck off." I hissed before grabbing my backpack and running out the door. I don't give two shits about walking to school, I am going no where near my dad anytime soon. Anger was still coursing through my body by the time I got to school. I had to let my anger out.

"Hey smurf!" A familiar voice called out. This will do.

I turned around to see the dumb meat head from the first day of school. A stupid smirk appeared on his face as he approached me. "What's wrong smurf? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Do you need your mommy to-" Before he could finish, my fist connected with his jaw sending him flying against the lockers. Adrenaline was now pumping in my veins making me want more. I gave a devilish grin when the giant ugly duckling rose to his feet and looked at me with fire in his eyes. He rushed towards me with fists flying.

I'm not the wisest guy in the world. But the guy had it coming. Punches were thrown, blood was definetly shed, and I ended up on top of the sack of meat punching the living shit out of him. Before I knew it, two tiny hands grabbed a hold of me and dragged me off of him.

I whipped around in anger to face Sarah looking at right back at me. Something in me snapped when I saw her hurt eyes look over my wounds. Her finger lightly gazed over my busted lip causing me to wince a little. "C'mon." She spoke sternly, pulling me away from the crowd and out of the school doors.

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