Chp. 26- New York Wants Me?

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"Hey Ava." Rebecca called out to me from the kitchen. "Lilian called me. She says she has a surprise for you."

"I bet it's one of her unlimited coupons for the yogurt shop downtown." I chuckled. Sometimes Lilian could be cheap, even if she wears designer clothes.

"Nope. She said something about Ms. Jay having-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I was already out the door, car keys in my hand. If Ms. Jay had something to do with it, it nust be grand.

I sat in anticipation as I drove to the studio. I hurriedly jumped out the car and into the studio. My eyes wondered frantically until I caught eye with Lilian and Ms. Jay sitting down having coffee.

I rushed over to them and took a seat. They both looked to me, full smiles on their faces. "Well hello Ava baby." Lilian cheered. "So nice of you to come on short notice."

"It's absolutely no problem." I said in between breaths.

"You remember Ms. Jay from Club 210." She said gesturing from the woman across from me.

"Of course. How could I forget?"

"So nice to see you again Ava." She smiled.

"As to you Ms. Jay."

"Ms. Jay and I have been pulling a few strings in music and performing arts academies-"

"And one of them is certainly interested in you." Ms. Jay finished.

"What? Which one?"

"Juliard!" They both cheered.

"New York!"

"Yes!" Lilian replied.

I screamed joyfully in my seat at the news.

"Now, Ava." Ms. Jay said much more calmer. "Juliard is definetly one of the top performing arts schools in the country. And even if I have friends in high places, they do want to see you do excellent for the rest of the year. Lilian has already sent them a few pieces of you work-"

"But those pieces were never finished." I said looking to Lilian.

"Yes but they think that with your talent and skill, that you could actually have a bright future in the music industry. And they never pass up the opprotunity to have a star at their school."

I screamed again in joy before I started to calm down.

"They do have a program for beginners to the performing arts. And that starts in August. So if you can graduate with above a 3.5 GPA and a wonderful reccomendation, which Lilian and I have already conjured up for you, they will accept you right in the fall." Ms. Jay said.

"Thank you so much." I said standing up to hug the two women.


I jumped out the car and into the house. "Dad! Rebecca!" I ran into the kitchen where my dad and Rebecca were both sitting, drinking coffee.

"Ava, stop screaming." My dad chuckled. "What is it?"

"I was just at the studio with Lilian and Ms. Jay. They said Juliard wants me!" I squealed. "I'm going to New York!"

"Congratulations Ava!" Rebecca said jumping up to hug me.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl." Dad said kissing my forhead.

"Have you told Logan?" Rebecca asked.




I stood frozen, staring at Rebecca. She instantly knew the answer by my reaction.

"Shit." She read my mind.

"Wouldn't Logan be happy for you?" Dad asked in confusion.

"No baby, that's not the point." She said to my dad. "She's going to New York. Thousands of miles away.."

My dad finally realized Rebecca's point. I'm going to have to leave. A sinking feeling in my stomach grew as I remembered how I felt when Taylor left. I can't even imagine how Logan is going to feel.

"I can't tell him." I shook my head. "He's going to be crushed."

"Honey, you have to." He said. "You can't just not tell him, he's going-"

"She's right George." Rebecca argued. We both looked at her in surprisement. "Ava, listen. You don't have to tell him now. Just enjoy your time with him. And when the time is right, tell him."

I nodded in agreement. Rebecca is right. Logan and I haven't even started dating. If I tell him, it only make things worse. I'll wait it out. Tell him when the time is right.. whenever that is.

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