Chp. 23- Little Big Surprise

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No more pain. Just us.

Thank you. For everything.

I'll see you.

"Sarah." I groaned. My eye lids felt like bricks weighing me down as I tried to open them. Tile ceiling hovered above me and I knew exactly where I was. The hospital.

I put all strength in my elbows as I tried to sit myself up. My shoulder throbbed in my pain, making me yelp.

My eyes darted up as the door opened. The nurse took a look at me trying to get up and rushed over. "No, no Mr. Andrews." She said gently pushing me onto the bed. "Don't get up so fast. Your shoulder is still healing."

"What happened?" My voice was hoarse.

"The bullet punctured straight through your flesh. It cracked a bone, but no serious injuries. We put a cast on for the mean time. It should heal up no later than a few weeks." She explained. "Your parents are outside. Would you like for me to send them in?"

"Uh, yes. Thank you." I mumbled. She nodded and made her way out of the room.

Moments later, my dad and Pamela walked inside. Pamela's tummy grew slightly, now showing off her pregnancy. "Hey Taylor." She grinned. "How you feeling?"

"Like shit."

She chuckled. "Well you didn't get the worst."

I glanced to my dad who was now sitting at the edge of the hospital bed. "Taylor." He said sternly. "We need you to tell us exactly what happened. Do you remember anything at all?"

I wanted to tell him to fuck off for using that tone with me. But I know that if my son was shot, I would want some answers too.

"All I remember is going to dinner. Sarah's parents left when he came.. he brought a gun and he.. Oh god. Oh god, no." I tried to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill. "Sarah. Where's Sarah? What happened to Sarah?"

"Taylor, calm down." My dad reassured. "Sarah's in surgery right now."

"Is she going to be alright?"

My dad sighed in response. Oh, no. Please not her. Not Sarah. "She was hit in her left lung. She passed out due to lack of oxygen. Doctors said she almost suffocated on her own blood. But she lost a lot of it.. She's in a coma. They don't know if she'll make it. Her life is in her own hands now."

I welcomed the tears that started to stream down my cheeks. "I need to see her." I croaked. "I have to see her."

"You can't. You need to recover." He said. "Her family is with her right now. They need time with her alone."

I shook my head. "No. I need to see her."

"Taylor, no."

"Then get the fuck out!" I roared, making them both flinch.

"I'll just.. go get you some food." He muttered before they both left the room.

I looked at my arm that was wrapped in bandages. I tried to move it just the slightest, but the sharp pain kept coming back. I threw the blanket off of me and swung my legs off the edge. I need to see Sarah.

I gently tiptoed across the cold tiles, making sure to not make any noise. The hallways were empty ecept a few nurses behind the counter, their backs facing me. I quietly moved to the door next to me and opened it.

Sarah slept in the hospital bed, both of her arms resting on her sides. Oxygen tubes coursed throughout her nose and mouth. The monitor beeped at Sarah's heartbeats. Each of them getting slower and slower.

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