The Sorting Hat

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Students pushed passed me, knocking my shoulders and arms, attempting to remove me from their path. No matter the commotion, I couldn't take a step. I was captivated by the sight of the castle.

"Come on," A familiar voice appeared beside me, and a hand wrapped around my elbow. "This way —"

I finally tore my eyes away from the school, instead focusing them on the person that had hold of my forearm and seemed to be leading me through the crowd. I kept a tight grip on my trunk and kitten's cage, staying close to the figure in hopes of not being left behind.

I looked around, trying to spot Hermione's bushy hair or another redhead. I was pulled to a sudden stop, my gaze lifting to rest on the tallest man I had ever encountered. He had long, scruffy brown hair and a beard to match. He towered over us, waving at the crowding students in an attempt to direct them the correct way.

"Firs' years, firs' years," The man's voice was deep and weighed with a heavy, unknown accent that nearly drowned out his words. "This way ter the boa's."

"Hey, Hagrid," Harry Potter yelled from beside me up to the man over the noise, a large grin spread across his lips.

"Hiya, 'Arry," The man, Hagrid, looked down at us. My eyes widened at just how far back I had to tilt my head in order to make eye-contact.

"Guys, this is Hagrid," Harry then turned to me, finally releasing my elbow from his grip. "Hagrid, this is Ron, Hermione, and Alex."

I turned my head, only for a wave of bushy hair to appear by my side. She was followed moments later by Ron, who squeezed himself between Harry and I.

"Hello, Hagrid," Ron and Hermione both exchanged forms of greeting with the large man.

"Nice to meet you, Hagrid," I said happily, a toothy grin plastered on my face as I stared up at him - pretending not to be intimated.

Hagrid was still gesturing to the other students, who all bustled around us with no organization, "Alrigh', tis way ta the boa's!" He then looked down at me, a welcoming smile peeking out from beneath his scruffy beard. "Nice ta meet ya aswell, 'Lex."

When he turned away from us and toward the large lake behind him, I let out a small laugh at the way he pronounced my name. On the calm, black surface of the water, tons of small boats were peacefully floating; some were already filled with impatient eleven-year-olds, while the rest awaited passengers.

"Four ta a boa'," Hagrid yelled at a group of six, who were all attempting to climb into one of the boats together.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I waved goodbye to Hagrid, and then carefully made our way through the crowd to the edge of the lake where we climbed into an empty boat together. I watched the other first years chatter loudly in their boats, too nervous to engage my group in a conversation of our own. Once everyone had settled in, the boats began to move.

The boats glided across the water with the moon's reflection lighting our path. The windows of the dark castle held a warm light, most likely from lit candles positioned in the rooms. We neared slowly, until we had reached the edge of the lake where we came to an abrupt halt. We then all anxiously clambered from our boats, cautiously avoiding the cold water.

My hands were no longer occupied with my belongings, as we had been instructed to leave them behind before stepping into the boat, so I was left to toy the ends of my hair between my fingertips nervously.

Hagrid led us across the well-kept grass for the castle, stopping only once we had reached the bottom of the entrance staircase, atop of which awaited an older woman - she had long green robes and graying hair.

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