Professor Trelawney's Prediction

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Celebrations from our victory lasted over a week. Applause in the Great Hall every morning, afternoon, and evening during meals. Slaps of hands throughout the corridors between classes. Parties in the common room until half past two.

I remember trying to sneak down during one, at around twelve o'clock on a Wednesday before the sun was even close to rising, just for Fred and George to catch me before I could even reach the plush armchairs by the fire. The twins had spun me around on my heels by my hand, making clicking noises with their tongues. Fred was holding a glass bottle; I didn't recognize the label at the time, but now I know it had been Firewhiskey.

"Oh, no, dear Alexie! This isn't the type of event for our Gryffindor princess!"

"Give her a drink! Just a taste!" yelled Lee Jordan from the midst of the crowd. A group of Gryffindors surrounded him, boys and girls alike. I also spotted Angelina in the far corner, with her hair tied back and a black-haired boy with his arm slung over her shoulders.

Fred, George, and I stopped at the foot of the girls' staircase. Their hands were pressed flat against my shoulder blades, prepared to push me back on up towards my dormitory. Now, however, we were all looking behind us.

"Yeah, Fred! C'mon!"


Fred glanced at me, not an ounce of amusement on his face. I, however, gave him a quick smile.

"Fred! Fred! Fred!" the crowd was chanting now.

I could hear one voice, quiet and spoken over, trying to hush the yelling. "You're going to awaken McGonagall!"

I was dressed in my pajamas: a large, short-sleeved top that hung below my hips and sleep trousers so long that the hems were caught beneath my socked feet. However, down here among the party, I was beginning to wish I had worn shorts to bed that evening.

It felt much hotter than it had upstairs.

"Alright, 'lex," said Fred carefully. He and George shared a quick, wary exchange as I turned fully around to face them. Over their shoulders, I could see the crowd of older students waving with glee. Their cheeks were all flushed, eyes glazed over, and bottles similar to Fred's were clutched tightly in their hands. "Do you want to try it?" My eyes were as wide as dinner plates. I felt my smile grow and I nodded, eagerly. He pressed his lips together for a moment. "Just a small taste. You're not going to enjoy it, love."

The crowd quieted now, all watching in anticipation as Fred lifted his elbow. The bottle was glistening in the golden lighting of the common room. He brought his hand to be level with my chin and then pressed the mouth of the glass against my lips. It was cold and there was a smell that infiltrated my nostrils almost immediately: it was sharp, which made my brows furrow together in dislike. He tilted the butt of the glass upward and then the liquid poured between my lips, onto my tongue, and then against the back of my throat.

"DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!" was heard throughout the common room now. People cheered and clapped.

The alcohol burned my entire mouth. I swallowed again and again to stop it from resting on my tongue, in fear that it would burn a hole through it. My throat was aching. A warmth traveled down to my stomach as though I had swallowed a lit candle. It felt like minutes but was truly only seconds before Fred pulled his hand away, revealing his concerned expression as we were once again face to face.

"Alright, love?"

George pressed his palm against the back of my head, cupping my skull and messing my hair — which had already become disheveled earlier from laying atop my pillow for hours.

Love at First Sight (Harry Potter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang