11. "Old flames."

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"Old flames"

Another day I had to call in from work due to this severe stomach ache. Its not menstrual cramps because I'm pregnant so I guess I ate something bad. Probably food poison from that italian restaurant. I got myself some medicine for nausea and stomachache which didn't seem to help. I laid in the comfort of my bed, in fetal position constantly cringing from the pain in my abdomen. It was getting worse by the minute and I almost began crying. My stomach has never hurt this bad and it has to be something much more than food poisoning. Weakly, I threw my feet off the bed and limped into the bathroom. I flicked the light on then stared into the mirror. My eyes roamed down my body and I blinked repeatedly. Red specks of blood were on my light grey leggings. I widened my eyes while pulling them and my underwear down. Blood everywhere.

I screamed and pulled them back up to race to my phone. Something wasn't right, I could feel the lain growing more as I moved. I needed to get to the emergency room quickly. Rayan was the first person I thought of calling but he's in school and I don't want him worrying over me. I decided to call Landon, he's my ex-boyfriend but we're still close. Besides the point, I quickly dialed his number and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey Mel," He greeted in a pleasant tone.

"Landon can you please take me to the hospital?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong?" He quickly asked with concern and worry.

"I'm bleeding, a lot and no it is not my period. Please just hurry. Its hurts so much!"

"Okay okay. I'm on my way now baby!"

I didn't bother to question him about that. Simply I hung up and went to change my clothes. Patiently I waited for Landon on the couch. He showed up ten minutes later, then carried me to the car. The entire ride to the hospital he comforted me and said things that calmed me. That helped a lot but that didn't stop me from crying. We arrived at the hospital shortly and almost immediately they took me into a room. I explained to the doctor about everything and he took lots of test, then an ultrasound. I was hoping whatever was going on, didn't interfere with my baby.

I sat on the bed, shaking and panicking. So many thoughts were racing through my head. What if something bad happened? The doctor back inside with a displeased expression, holding his clipboard. He stared at me for awhile and let out a deep sigh.

"I'm very sorry Melanie, your baby didn't make it unfortunately and...."

He continued rambling but that's all I needed to hear before I burst out into tears.

"You had a miscarriage?" Rayan asked in disbelief.

I nodded my head. "Yes.. it was just last week."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked seriously.

"I'm telling you now. I was so broken Rayan, I didn't tell anyone besides my friend. That's only because he went with me to the hospital."


"That's all you have to say is wow?" My eyes bulged slightly and I could do nothing but stare at him.

"What do you want me to say? You waited a whole week to tell me about this. It makes me question this entire pregnancy--"

"Rayan please. If you think I was lying about the baby being yours, I wasn't," I cut him off while holding my hand up.

He sighed. "I'm sorry about the miscarriage alright? How did it even happen?"

"Stress. I've been do overwhelmed lately with teaching and the pregnancy just made me a wreck."

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