2. "After school."

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I crossed the basketball ball between my legs, then shooting, landing it perfectly inside the hoop. I've been thinking about joining the basketball team at school. Besides having an extra curricular can keep me out of the house- with Tony. Of course he's in the house sitting on his ass as usual. He basically lives off my mom. She own this hair salon or whatever, and makes her own shampoos and whatnot. You could say we're pretty wealthy. Tony claims he's looking for a job but I don't believe him.

"Hey Ray, the game is on." He says peeking his head out the door. I don't think I asked but okay.

"I'll watch it later."

"Alright." He goes back inside, shutting the door.

I continued shooting for awhile and soon it became dark outside. I decided to go inside. My mom would be walking through the door in a minute so I went to shower. I bathed for a good thirty minutes and washed my hair in the process. Once I was finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and slid my nike slides onto my feet. I put on a pair of adidas sweats, matching socks and a tshirt. Beads of water fell onto my shirt from my hair. Almost forgot. I blow dryed it out which took forever. Having long hair is bittersweet. The girls love it but doing it is hell. I allowed my hair to hang freely then jogged downstairs. There was my mom, setting our plates on the dinner table. From the looks of it- she prepared spaghetti and vegetables on the side.

"Hey baby." She smiled as I sat down at the table. "You washed your hands?"

"Hey ma and yeah I just got out the shower." I replied.

Tony walked inside, grabbed his plate then went back to the living room. Thank god.

"What's up with him?" Mom asked sitting across from me.

I simply shrugged and began saying my prayer before eating. Honestly it felt good with just me and my ma there. That's how its always been before she met Tony. Ever since my dad ran out on us, I'm skeptical on who my mom dates. I don't want her getting hurt again.

"So honey, how was school today?"

"Same ole'. Oh yeah I gotta stay back after school tomorrow to finish up the English essay."

She nodded. "Okay how long will that be? You know I'm gonna need you to be here before six."

"Ma it should only take about an hour tops." I said with a slight smile.

"Just making sure." She smiles back and takes a sip from her tea. "I heard there's a new English teacher this year. What happened to Mr.Cox?"

"Yeah he retired and our new teacher is Ms.Pullins. She's mad cool."

"That's great."


I walked inside the gymnasium with Corahn and Daniel to sign up for basketball. Tryouts start next week so I had to hurry before too many people signed up. I walked over to the table where Coach Carter was then gave him all my information and my physical. Once that finished, I went to the bleachers to wait for them two. They were goofing off in the back of the line so I figured I'd leave. As I was walking down the hallway, I spotted a familiar pair of ugg boots. Raising my head there was Brianna walking down the hallway. She stopped abruptly seeing me and smiled.

"Hey Ray."

"Hey Bri. Where you headed?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Our calculus class which is that way." She giggled pointing down the hallway.

"Oh yeah! I be getting that mixed up with Mr.Roberts class." I laughed turning around, walking beside her.

She nodded. "So we're still on for tonight right?" Dammit. My smile faded remembering about that essay. Bri's cool but I have to go do that assignment today man.

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