4. "Caught up."

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"Good morning. Today we're having a quiz on the book I assigned you all to read. Which was Romeo and Juliet." Ms.Pullins said standing in front of the chalkboard. A few people groaned in annoyance. Lately she's been kinda uptight and strict- well not towards me. "Don't start your groaning and sucking your teeth. I'm going to have a brief review over what you guys have read. Can anyone tell me what the book was about?"

A few people raised their hands but she called on Daniel.

"I didn't raise my hand-"

"But I want you to answer my question." She replied folding her arms with an attitude. Well damn. She's being a bitch today for some reason.

He sighed. "Its about two niggas that that fell in love. There." The whole class began laughing, literally. Besides me. Daniel may be my bestfriend but the guy is an asswhole.

Ms.Pullins nodded while sarcastically. "You want to know what else is funny... I'm adding fifty questions to your quiz for tomorrow." The laughter ended immediately. My mouth nearly fell open. She has to be fucking kidding me. One hundred questions?

"What the hell! You can't do that!" Justine snapped causing all the attention on her.

"Whose classroom is this Ms.Skye? If you don't like the way I run things you may leave." Ms.Pullins said calmly leaning on her wooden desk.

"Whatever.." She mumbled.

"Now would anyone like to tell me what the book was about?" She asked again, scanning the classroom. No one raised thei hand this time. I noticed her looking back at me and smiled. "How about you Rayan?"

"The story is about two young people who fall in love. Their families disapprove of the match due to strive. The young lovers decide to die together rather than live life apart. The story brings up issues about young love, forbidden liaisons and the emotional toll such a secret love brings about." I answered truthfully. I've read the book plenty of times so this was nothing.

She widened her eyes in a impressed way. "Wow.. that's exactly what I was looking for. You see guys should try and learn from your classmate."

Ms.Pullins passed out the quiz papers and gave us fifteen minutes to get it done. There was about thirty question. Basically asking about what exactly happened between Romeo and Juliet. I took out my pencil and began doing it.


Class was almost over and Ms.Pullins was passing out the quizzes. I sat patiently at my desk, fiddling with my pencil. I couldn't help but think about what happened over the weekend. I actually went over her house and we hung out- as friends. It still seems kinda strange but whatever. Whenever we're at school we act like nothings going on. I think its best if we kept it that way.

"Good job sweetheart." Ms.Pullins rubs my shoulder and places my quiz on the desk. I shiver from her touch then looked down; A+. She walked away, sashaying her voluptuous hips. Once again I caught myself starring at her. She looked even more beautiful than usual. Usually her hair is in a bun but today its down and curled. She wore a floral pink dress that stopped above the knee, yellow heels and pearls.

"Hey Ray." Brianna says causing me to jump abruptly. She scared the shit out of me.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh what's up Bri?"

"Nothing I just wanted to say sorry for giving you the cold shoulder lately. I was just upset about everything that happened." She sighed and played with the ends of her hair.

"Its fine. Sorry for bailing on you all the time. You know how my mama is about school and stuff." I said putting my stuff in my backpack.

Brianna nodded and smiled. "So you know.. uh winter formal is next month right?"

"Oh yeah. What about it?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come with me? Its okay if you don't I mean its just a stupid ole' dance. We could just-"

"Bri." I laughed and held up my hand for her to stop. "I'll go with you."

"Really?" Her eyes widened in complete shock.

"Yeah just keep reminding me just in case something comes up."

"Okay I'll see you later." She blushed and got up from her desk.

The bell rung shortly afterwards and everyone ran out the classroom. I got up from my desk and placed my backpack on one shoulder. As I was about to head out, I accidentally knocked all of the papers down. Damn. I crouched down and began picking them up. Ms.Pullins did as well, grabbing some.

"My fault."

"No its fine. My desk is cluttered with papers." She sighed. Suddenly we both looked up at the exact same time. I caught myself starring in her light brown eyes. They were beautiful.

I felt our faces coming closer but instantly I realized what I was doing. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Shit.." I mumbled while standing up.

She rubbed her arm. "You're gonna be late for class Rayan."

"Right, uh bye Ms.Pullins."


Sorry this was so short.

Also if you guys want me to update I need you to comment. It helps out a lot especially when I'm about to write a new chapter. The votes are great but I'm just not getting enough feedback. But thanks for reading my story. I really appreciate you all. 1k reads already and this is only the fourth chapter! wooohooo. :) ~ Aiyana.

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